* Construct and check lengths of status updates - XPoster
* @category Core
* @package XPoster
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/wp-to-twitter/
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Check the current allowed max lengths.
* @param string $service Service to get values for.
* @return array of URL lengths and params.
function wpt_max_length( $service = false ) {
$values = array(
'http_length' => 23,
'https_length' => 23,
'reserved_chars' => 24,
$values['base_length'] = intval( ( get_option( 'wpt_' . $service . '_length' ) ) ? get_option( 'wpt_' . $service . '_length' ) : 280 ) - 1;
if ( ! $service ) {
$values['x'] = absint( get_option( 'wpt_x_length', $values['base_length'] ) );
$values['mastodon'] = absint( get_option( 'wpt_mastodon_length', $values['base_length'] ) );
$values['bluesky'] = absint( get_option( 'wpt_bluesky_length', $values['base_length'] ) );
* Filter the max length array used for calculating status update truncation.
* @hook wpt_max_length
* @param {array} $values Array with various values used for calculating how long your status update can be.
* @return {array}
return apply_filters( 'wpt_max_length', $values, $service );
add_filter( 'wpt_tweet_sentence', 'wpt_filter_urls', 10, 2 );
* Filter the URLs in a status update and shorten them.
* @param string $update Status update text.
* @param int $post_ID Post ID.
* @return string New update text.
function wpt_filter_urls( $update, $post_ID ) {
preg_match_all( '#\bhttps?://[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/))#', $update, $match );
$title = get_the_title( $post_ID );
if ( isset( $match[0] ) && ! empty( $match[0] ) ) {
$urls = $match[0];
foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
if ( esc_url( $url ) ) {
$short = wpt_shorten_url( $url, $title, $post_ID, false, false, false );
if ( $short ) {
$update = str_replace( $url, $short, $update );
return $update;
* Parse the text of a status update to ensure included tags don't exceed length requirements.
* @param string $update Status update text.
* @param array $post Post data.
* @param int $post_ID Post ID.
* @param boolean $repost Is this a repost.
* @param boolean $ref X.com author Reference.
* @param string $service Service being generated for.
* @return string New text.
function wpt_truncate_status( $update, $post, $post_ID, $repost = false, $ref = false, $service = 'x' ) {
if ( ! $post_ID ) {
// If no Post ID, return the update exactly as passed.
return $update;
} else {
if ( empty( $post ) ) {
$post = wpt_post_info( $post_ID );
$variant = get_post_meta( $post_ID, '_wpt_post_template_' . $service, true );
if ( '' !== $variant ) {
$update = $variant;
// create full unconditional post update - prior to truncation.
// order matters; arrays have to be ordered the same way.
$tags = array_map( 'wpt_make_tag', wpt_tags() );
$values = wpt_create_values( $post, $post_ID, $ref, $service );
// media file no longer needs accounting in shortening. 9/22/2016.
$maxlength = wpt_max_length( $service );
$length = $maxlength['base_length'];
* Filter a template prior to parsing tags.
* @hook wpt_tweet_sentence
* @param {string} $update Template for this status update.
* @param {int} $post_ID Post ID.
* @return {string}
$update = apply_filters( 'wpt_tweet_sentence', $update, $post_ID );
$update = trim( wpt_custom_shortcodes( $update, $post_ID ) );
$update = trim( wpt_user_meta_shortcodes( $update, $post['authId'] ) );
$encoding = ( 'UTF-8' !== get_option( 'blog_charset' ) && '' !== get_option( 'blog_charset', '' ) ) ? get_option( 'blog_charset' ) : 'UTF-8';
$diff = 0;
$prepend = wp_unslash( get_option( 'jd_twit_prepend', '' ) );
$append = wp_unslash( get_option( 'jd_twit_append', '' ) );
// Add custom append/prepend fields to status update text.
if ( '' !== $prepend && '' !== $update && ( str_contains( $update, $prepend ) === false ) ) {
$update = $prepend . ' ' . $update;
if ( '' !== $append && '' !== $update && ( str_contains( $update, $append ) === false ) ) {
$update = $update . ' ' . $append;
// there are no tags in this update. Truncate and return.
if ( ! wpt_has_tags( $update ) ) {
$post_update = mb_substr( $update, 0, $length, $encoding );
* Filter an update template that does not contain any XPoster template tags.
* @hook wpt_custom_truncate
* @param {string} $post_status Text to status update truncated to maximum allowed length.
* @param {string} $update Original passed text.
* @param {int} $post_ID Post ID.
* @param {bool} $repost Boolean flag that indicates whether this is being reposted.
* @param {int} $reference Pass reference (1).
* @return {string}
return apply_filters( 'wpt_custom_truncate', $post_update, $update, $post_ID, $repost, 1 );
// Replace the template tags with their corresponding values.
$post_update = str_ireplace( $tags, $values, $update );
// check total length.
$str_length = mb_strlen( urldecode( wpt_normalize( $post_update ) ), $encoding );
// Check whether completed replacement is still within allowed length.
if ( $str_length < $length + 1 ) {
if ( mb_strlen( wpt_normalize( $post_update ) ) > $length + 1 ) {
$post_update = mb_substr( $post_update, 0, $length, $encoding );
* Filter an update template after tags have been parsed but prior to truncating for length.
* @hook wpt_custom_truncate
* @param {string} $post_update Text to Tweet truncated to maximum allowed length.
* @param {string} $update Original passed text.
* @param {int} $post_ID Post ID.
* @param {bool} $repost Boolean flag that indicates whether this is being reposted.
* @param {int} $reference Pass reference (2).
* @return {string}
return apply_filters( 'wpt_custom_truncate', $post_update, $update, $post_ID, $repost, 2 ); // return early if all is well.
} else {
$has_excerpt_tag = wpt_has( $update, '#post#' );
$has_title_tag = wpt_has( $update, '#title#' );
$has_short_url = wpt_has( $update, '#url#' );
$has_long_url = wpt_has( $update, '#longurl#' );
$url_strlen = mb_strlen( urldecode( wpt_normalize( $values['url'] ) ), $encoding );
$longurl_strlen = mb_strlen( urldecode( wpt_normalize( $values['longurl'] ) ), $encoding );
// Status update is too long, so we'll have to truncate that sucker.
$length_array = wpt_length_array( $values, $encoding );
// X.com's t.co shortener is mandatory. All URLS are max-character value set by X.com. Only true on X.
$tco = ( wpt_is_ssl( $values['url'] ) ) ? $maxlength['https_length'] : $maxlength['http_length'];
$order = get_option( 'wpt_truncation_order' );
if ( is_array( $order ) ) {
asort( $order );
$preferred = array();
foreach ( $order as $k => $v ) {
if ( 'excerpt' === $k ) {
$k = 'post';
$value = $length_array['post'];
} elseif ( 'blogname' === $k ) {
$k = 'blog';
$value = $length_array['blog'];
} else {
$value = $length_array[ $k ];
$preferred[ $k ] = $value;
} else {
$preferred = $length_array;
if ( $has_short_url ) {
$diff = ( ( $url_strlen - $tco ) > 0 ) ? $url_strlen - $tco : 0;
} elseif ( $has_long_url ) {
$diff = ( ( $longurl_strlen - $tco ) > 0 ) ? $longurl_strlen - $tco : 0;
if ( $str_length > ( $length + 1 + $diff ) ) {
foreach ( $preferred as $key => $value ) {
// don't truncate content of post excerpt or title if those tags not in use.
if ( ! ( 'excerpt' === $key && ! $has_excerpt_tag ) && ! ( 'title' === $key && ! $has_title_tag ) ) {
$str_length = mb_strlen( urldecode( wpt_normalize( trim( $post_update ) ) ), $encoding );
if ( $str_length > ( $length + 1 + $diff ) ) {
$trim = $str_length - ( $length + 1 + $diff );
$old_value = $values[ $key ];
// prevent URL from being modified.
$post_update = str_ireplace( array( $values['url'], $values['longurl'] ), array( '#url#', '#longurl#' ), $post_update );
// These tag fields should be removed completely, rather than truncated.
if ( wpt_remove_tag( $key ) ) {
$new_value = '';
// These tag fields should have stray characters removed on word boundaries.
} elseif ( 'tags' === $key ) {
// remove any stray hash characters due to string truncation.
if ( mb_strlen( $old_value ) - $trim <= 2 ) {
$new_value = '';
} else {
$new_value = $old_value;
while ( ( mb_strlen( $old_value ) - $trim ) < mb_strlen( $new_value ) ) {
$new_value = trim( mb_substr( $new_value, 0, mb_strrpos( $new_value, '#', 0, $encoding ) - 1 ) );
// Just flat out truncate everything else cold.
} else {
// trim letters.
$new_value = mb_substr( $old_value, 0, - ( $trim ), $encoding );
// trim rest of last word.
$last_space = strrpos( $new_value, ' ' );
$new_value = mb_substr( $new_value, 0, $last_space, $encoding );
// If you want to add something like an ellipsis after truncation, use this filter.
* Filter a template tag value after truncation. If a value like an excerpt or post content has been truncated, you can modify the output using this filter.
* @hook wpt_filter_truncated_value
* @param {string} $new_value Text truncated to maximum allowed length.
* @param {string} $key Template tag.
* @param {string} $old_value Text prior to truncation.
* @return {string}
$new_value = apply_filters( 'wpt_filter_truncated_value', $new_value, $key, $old_value );
$post_update = str_ireplace( $old_value, $new_value, $post_update );
// put URL back before checking length.
$post_update = str_ireplace( array( '#url#', '#longurl#' ), array( $values['url'], $values['longurl'] ), $post_update );
} else {
if ( mb_strlen( wpt_normalize( $post_update ), $encoding ) > ( $length + 1 + $diff ) ) {
$post_update = mb_substr( $post_update, 0, ( $length + $diff ), $encoding );
// this is needed in case an update needs to be truncated outright and the truncation values aren't in the above.
// 1) removes URL 2) checks length of remainder 3) Replaces URL.
if ( mb_strlen( wpt_normalize( $post_update ) ) > $length + 1 ) {
$update = false;
if ( $has_short_url ) {
$url = $values['url'];
$tag = '#url#';
} elseif ( $has_long_url ) {
$url = $values['longurl'];
$tag = '#longurl#';
} else {
$post_update = mb_substr( $post_update, 0, ( $length + $diff ), $encoding );
$update = true;
if ( ! $update ) {
$temp = str_ireplace( $url, $tag, $post_update );
if ( mb_strlen( wpt_normalize( $temp ) ) > ( ( $length + 1 ) - ( $tco - strlen( $tag ) ) ) && $temp !== $post_update ) {
if ( false === stripos( $temp, '#url#' ) && false === stripos( $temp, '#longurl#' ) ) {
$post_update = trim( mb_substr( $temp, 0, $length, $encoding ) );
} else {
$post_update = trim( mb_substr( $temp, 0, ( $length - $tco - 1 ), $encoding ) );
// it's possible to trim off the #url# part in this process. If that happens, put it back.
$sub_sentence = ( ! wpt_has( $post_update, $tag ) && ( $has_short_url || $has_long_url ) ) ? $post_update . ' ' . $tag : $post_update;
$post_update = str_ireplace( $tag, $url, $sub_sentence );
* Filter a status update template after all content checks are completed.
* @hook wpt_custom_truncate
* @param {string} $post_update Text to status update truncated to maximum allowed length.
* @param {string} $update Original passed text.
* @param {int} $post_ID Post ID.
* @param {bool} $repost Boolean flag that indicates whether this is being reposted.
* @param {int} $reference Pass reference (3).
* @return {string}
return apply_filters( 'wpt_custom_truncate', $post_update, $update, $post_ID, $repost, 3 );
* Check whether a tag is within the string.
* @param string $text String. Probably a status update.
* @param string $tag Template tag text.
* @return boolean.
function wpt_has( $text, $tag ) {
if ( strpos( $text, $tag ) === false ) {
return false;
return true;
* Check whether any tags are present.
* @param string $text String. Probably a Tweet.
* @return boolean.
function wpt_has_tags( $text ) {
$tags = wpt_tags();
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
if ( wpt_has( $text, "#$tag#" ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Get a tag to remove.
* @param string $key Template tag.
* @return boolean.
function wpt_remove_tag( $key ) {
switch ( $key ) {
case 'account':
case 'author':
case 'category':
case 'categories':
case 'date':
case 'modified':
case 'reference':
case '@':
$return = true;
$return = false;
return $return;
* Get all valid template tags.
* @return array tags.
function wpt_tags() {
* Add a new template tag placeholder.
* @hook wpt_tags
* @param {array} $tags Array of strings for each tag, e.g. 'blog' for #blog#.
* @return {array}
return apply_filters( 'wpt_tags', array( 'url', 'title', 'blog', 'post', 'category', 'categories', 'date', 'author', 'displayname', 'tags', 'modified', 'reference', 'account', '@', 'cat_desc', 'longurl' ) );
* Adjust a tag string into its ## usage.
* @param string $value Any text.
* @return string wrapped.
function wpt_make_tag( $value ) {
return '#' . $value . '#';
* Create values. Get the value of tags.
* @since 5.0.0 Added $service parameter.
* @param array $post Post array.
* @param int $post_ID Post ID.
* @param boolean $ref Use referential author.
* @param string $service Social media service to send to.
* @return array of values.
function wpt_create_values( $post, $post_ID, $ref, $service ) {
* Run filters that shorten links.
* @hook wptt_shorten_link
* @param {string} $permalink The post permalink.
* @param {string} $title The post title.
* @param {int} $post_ID The post ID.
* @param {bool} $test False because this is not a test cycle.
* @return {string}
$shortlink = apply_filters( 'wptt_shorten_link', $post['postLink'], $post['postTitle'], $post_ID, false );
$shrink = ( '' !== $post['shortUrl'] && false !== $post['shortUrl'] ) ? $post['shortUrl'] : $shortlink;
// generate template variable values.
$auth = $post['authId'];
$title = apply_filters( 'wpt_status', $post['postTitle'], $post_ID, 'title' );
$title = trim( ( ! $title ) ? get_the_title( $post_ID ) : $title );
$encoding = get_option( 'blog_charset', 'UTF-8' );
$title = html_entity_decode( $title, ENT_QUOTES, $encoding );
$blogname = trim( (string) $post['blogTitle'] );
$excerpt = trim( (string) apply_filters( 'wpt_status', $post['postExcerpt'], $post_ID, 'post' ) );
$thisposturl = trim( (string) $shrink );
$category = trim( (string) $post['category'] );
$categories = trim( (string) $post['cats'] );
$cat_desc = trim( (string) $post['cat_desc'] );
$tags = wpt_generate_hash_tags( $post_ID );
$date = trim( (string) $post['postDate'] );
$modified = trim( (string) $post['postModified'] );
switch ( $service ) {
case 'x':
$account_field = 'wtt_twitter_username';
$user_setting = 'wp-to-twitter-user-username';
$user_field = 'wtt_twitter_username';
case 'bluesky':
$account_field = 'wpt_bluesky_username';
$user_setting = 'wpt-bluesky-username';
$user_field = 'wpt_bluesky_username';
case 'mastodon':
$account_field = 'wpt_mastodon_username';
$user_setting = 'wpt-mastodon-username';
$user_field = 'wpt_mastodon_username';
$account = get_option( $account_field, '' );
// The setting.
$user_meta = get_user_meta( $auth, $user_setting, true );
// If connected to service.
$user_account = get_user_meta( $auth, $user_field, true );
$user_account = ( $user_account ) ? $user_account : $user_meta;
$account = ( '' !== $account ) ? "@$account" : ''; // value of #account#.
$account = str_ireplace( '@@', '@', $account );
$uaccount = ( '' !== $user_account ) ? "@$user_account" : "$account"; // value of #@#.
$uaccount = str_ireplace( '@@', '@', $uaccount );
$display_name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $auth );
$author = ( '' !== $user_account ) ? "@$user_account" : $display_name; // value of #author#.
$author = str_ireplace( '@@', '@', $author );
if ( function_exists( 'wpt_pro_exists' ) && true === wpt_pro_exists() ) {
$reference = ( $ref ) ? $uaccount : '@' . get_option( $account_field );
} else {
$reference = '';
// If this order is changed, changes must also be replicated in `wpt_tags()`.
$values = array(
'url' => $thisposturl,
'title' => $title,
'blog' => $blogname,
'post' => $excerpt,
'category' => $category,
'categories' => $categories,
'date' => $date,
'author' => $author,
'displayname' => $display_name,
'tags' => $tags,
'modified' => $modified,
'reference' => $reference,
'account' => $account,
'@' => $uaccount,
'cat_desc' => $cat_desc,
'longurl' => $post['postLink'],
// If tags array has been changed by a filter, update the order here, as well.
$tags = wpt_tags();
$return = array();
foreach ( $tags as $key ) {
// If this key doesn't exist in the default values array, this was added in `wpt_tags` filter.
if ( ! isset( $values[ $key ] ) ) {
* Filter the value of a custom template tag.
* @hook wpt_custom_tag
* @param {string} $tag_value The output for a custom tag. Default empty.
* @param {int} $post_ID The post ID.
* @return {string}
$return[ $key ] = trim( apply_filters( 'wpt_custom_tag', '', $post_ID ) );
} else {
$return[ $key ] = trim( $values[ $key ] );
return $return;
* Generate array of length values of every value.
* @param array $values All values.
* @param string $encoding Current encoding.
* @return array.
function wpt_length_array( $values, $encoding ) {
foreach ( $values as $key => $value ) {
$array[ $key ] = mb_strlen( wpt_normalize( $value ), $encoding );
return $array;
* Parse custom shortcodes
* @param string $sentence Status update template.
* @param integer $post_ID Post ID.
* @return string $sentence with any custom shortcodes replaced with their appropriate content.
function wpt_custom_shortcodes( $sentence, $post_ID ) {
$pattern = '/([([\[\]?)([A-Za-z0-9-_])*(\]\]]?)+/';
$params = array(
0 => '[[',
1 => ']]',
preg_match_all( $pattern, $sentence, $matches );
if ( $matches && is_array( $matches[0] ) ) {
foreach ( $matches[0] as $value ) {
$shortcode = "$value";
$field = str_replace( $params, '', $shortcode );
$value = wp_strip_all_tags( get_post_meta( $post_ID, $field, true ) );
* Filter the output of a custom field template tag. Custom field tags are marked with `[[$field]]`.
* @hook wpt_custom_shortcode
* @param {string} $value Returned singular value of a post meta field, tags stripped.
* @param {int} $post_ID Post ID.
* @param {string} $field Post meta field name.
* @return {string}
$custom = apply_filters( 'wpt_custom_shortcode', $value, $post_ID, $field );
$sentence = str_replace( $shortcode, $custom, $sentence );
return $sentence;
* Parse user meta shortcodes
* @param string $sentence Status update template.
* @param integer $auth_id Post Author ID.
* @return string $sentence with any custom shortcodes replaced with their appropriate content.
function wpt_user_meta_shortcodes( $sentence, $auth_id ) {
$pattern = '/([({\{\}?)([A-Za-z0-9-_])*(\}\}}?)+/';
$params = array(
0 => '{{',
1 => '}}',
preg_match_all( $pattern, $sentence, $matches );
if ( $matches && is_array( $matches[0] ) ) {
foreach ( $matches[0] as $value ) {
$shortcode = "$value";
$field = str_replace( $params, '', $shortcode );
* Filter custom user meta. User meta tags are marked with `{{$field}}`.
* @hook wpt_user_meta_shortcode
* @param {string} $value Returned singular value of a post meta field, tags stripped.
* @param {int} $auth_id User ID.
* @param {string} $field Name of user meta field.
* @return {string}
$custom = apply_filters( 'wpt_user_meta_shortcode', wp_strip_all_tags( get_user_meta( $auth_id, $field, true ) ), $auth_id, $field );
$sentence = str_replace( $shortcode, $custom, $sentence );
return $sentence;