* XPoster Settings page
* @category Settings
* @package XPoster
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/wp-to-twitter/
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Update XPoster settings.
function wpt_updated_settings() {
if ( empty( $_POST ) ) {
$nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'wp-to-twitter-nonce' ) ) {
wp_die( 'XPoster: Security check failed' );
// Connect to Twitter.
if ( isset( $_POST['oauth_settings'] ) ) {
$post = map_deep( $_POST, 'sanitize_text_field' );
$oauth_message = wpt_update_oauth_settings( false, $post );
} else {
$oauth_message = '';
// Connect to Mastodon.
if ( isset( $_POST['mastodon_settings'] ) ) {
$post = map_deep( $_POST, 'sanitize_text_field' );
$mastodon_message = wpt_update_mastodon_settings( false, $post );
} else {
$mastodon_message = '';
$message = '';
// notifications from oauth connection.
if ( isset( $_POST['oauth_settings'] ) ) {
if ( 'success' === $oauth_message ) {
$admin_url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro?tab=basic' );
print( '
<div id="message" class="updated fade">
<p>' . __( 'XPoster is now connected with X.com.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . " <a href='$admin_url'>" . __( 'Configure your status update templates', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</a></p>
' );
} elseif ( 'failed' === $oauth_message ) {
print( '
<div id="message" class="error fade">
<p>' . __( 'XPoster failed to connect with X.com.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . ' <strong>' . __( 'Error:', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</strong> ' . get_option( 'wpt_error' ) . '</p>
' );
} elseif ( 'cleared' === $oauth_message ) {
print( '
<div id="message" class="updated fade">
<p>' . __( 'OAuth Authentication Data Cleared.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p>
' );
} elseif ( 'nosync' === $oauth_message ) {
print( '
<div id="message" class="error fade">
<p>' . __( 'OAuth Authentication Failed. Your server time is not in sync with the X.com servers. Talk to your hosting service to see what can be done.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p>
' );
} elseif ( 'noconnection' === $oauth_message ) {
print( '
<div id="message" class="error fade">
<p>' . __( 'OAuth Authentication Failed. XPoster was unable to complete a connection with those credentials.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p>
' );
} else {
print( '
<div id="message" class="error fade">
<p>' . __( 'OAuth Authentication response not understood.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p>
' );
// notifications from Mastodon connection.
if ( isset( $_POST['mastodon_settings'] ) ) {
if ( 'success' === $mastodon_message ) {
$admin_url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro?tab=basic' );
print( '
<div id="message" class="updated fade">
<p>' . __( 'XPoster is now connected to your Mastodon instance.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . " <a href='$admin_url'>" . __( 'Configure your status update templates', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</a></p>
' );
} elseif ( 'failed' === $mastodon_message ) {
print( '
<div id="message" class="error fade">
<p>' . __( 'XPoster failed to connect with your Mastodon instance.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . ' <strong>' . __( 'Error:', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</strong> ' . get_option( 'wpt_error' ) . '</p>
' );
} elseif ( 'cleared' === $mastodon_message ) {
print( '
<div id="message" class="updated fade">
<p>' . __( 'Mastodon authentication data cleared.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p>
' );
} elseif ( 'noconnection' === $mastodon_message ) {
print( '
<div id="message" class="error fade">
<p>' . __( 'Mastodon authentication Failed. XPoster was unable to complete a connection with those credentials.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p>
' );
} else {
print( '
<div id="message" class="error fade">
<p>' . __( 'Mastodon authentication response not understood.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p>
' );
if ( isset( $_POST['submit-type'] ) && 'advanced' === $_POST['submit-type'] ) {
$default = ( isset( $_POST['jd_tweet_default'] ) ) ? sanitize_textarea_field( $_POST['jd_tweet_default'] ) : 0;
$default_edit = ( isset( $_POST['jd_tweet_default_edit'] ) ) ? sanitize_textarea_field( $_POST['jd_tweet_default_edit'] ) : 0;
update_option( 'jd_tweet_default', $default );
update_option( 'jd_tweet_default_edit', $default_edit );
if ( isset( $_POST['wpt_rate_limiting'] ) && '1' !== get_option( 'wpt_rate_limiting' ) ) {
$extend = __( 'Rate Limiting is enabled. Default rate limits are set at 10 posts per category/term per hour. <a href="#special_cases">Edit global default</a> or edit individual terms to customize limits for each category or taxonomy term.', 'wp-to-twitter' );
wp_schedule_event( time() + 3600, 'hourly', 'wptratelimits' );
} else {
$extend = '';
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wptratelimits' );
update_option( 'wpt_rate_limiting', ( isset( $_POST['wpt_rate_limiting'] ) ) ? 1 : 0 );
update_option( 'wpt_inline_edits', ( isset( $_POST['wpt_inline_edits'] ) ) ? 1 : 0 );
update_option( 'jd_twit_custom_url', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jd_twit_custom_url'] ) );
update_option( 'wpt_default_rate_limit', ( isset( $_POST['wpt_default_rate_limit'] ) ? intval( $_POST['wpt_default_rate_limit'] ) : false ) );
update_option( 'jd_strip_nonan', ( isset( $_POST['jd_strip_nonan'] ) ) ? 1 : 0 );
update_option( 'jd_twit_prepend', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jd_twit_prepend'] ) );
update_option( 'jd_twit_append', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jd_twit_append'] ) );
update_option( 'jd_post_excerpt', (int) $_POST['jd_post_excerpt'] );
update_option( 'jd_max_tags', (int) $_POST['jd_max_tags'] );
$use_cats = ( isset( $_POST['wpt_use_cats'] ) ) ? 1 : 0;
update_option( 'wpt_use_cats', $use_cats );
update_option( 'wpt_tag_source', ( ( isset( $_POST['wpt_tag_source'] ) && 'slug' === $_POST['wpt_tag_source'] ) ? 'slug' : '' ) );
update_option( 'jd_max_characters', (int) $_POST['jd_max_characters'] );
update_option( 'jd_replace_character', ( isset( $_POST['jd_replace_character'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jd_replace_character'] ) : '' ) );
update_option( 'jd_date_format', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jd_date_format'] ) );
update_option( 'jd_dynamic_analytics', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['jd-dynamic-analytics'] ) );
$twitter_analytics = ( isset( $_POST['twitter-analytics'] ) ) ? absint( $_POST['twitter-analytics'] ) : 0;
if ( 1 === (int) $twitter_analytics ) {
update_option( 'use_dynamic_analytics', 0 );
update_option( 'use-twitter-analytics', 1 );
update_option( 'no-analytics', 0 );
} elseif ( 2 === (int) $twitter_analytics ) {
update_option( 'use_dynamic_analytics', 1 );
update_option( 'use-twitter-analytics', 0 );
update_option( 'no-analytics', 0 );
} else {
update_option( 'use_dynamic_analytics', 0 );
update_option( 'use-twitter-analytics', 0 );
update_option( 'no-analytics', 1 );
update_option( 'twitter-analytics-campaign', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['twitter-analytics-campaign'] ) );
if ( isset( $_POST['wpt_caps'] ) ) {
$perms = map_deep( $_POST['wpt_caps'], 'sanitize_text_field' );
$caps = array( 'wpt_twitter_oauth', 'wpt_twitter_custom', 'wpt_twitter_switch', 'wpt_can_tweet', 'wpt_tweet_now' );
foreach ( $perms as $key => $value ) {
$role = get_role( $key );
if ( is_object( $role ) ) {
foreach ( $caps as $v ) {
if ( isset( $value[ $v ] ) ) {
$role->add_cap( $v );
} else {
$role->remove_cap( $v );
update_option( 'wp_debug_oauth', ( isset( $_POST['wp_debug_oauth'] ) ) ? 1 : 0 );
update_option( 'wpt_debug_tweets', ( isset( $_POST['wpt_debug_tweets'] ) ) ? 1 : 0 );
$wpt_truncation_order = map_deep( $_POST['wpt_truncation_order'], 'sanitize_text_field' );
update_option( 'wpt_truncation_order', $wpt_truncation_order );
$message .= __( 'XPoster Advanced Options Updated', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '. ' . $extend;
if ( isset( $_POST['submit-type'] ) && 'options' === $_POST['submit-type'] ) {
$wpt_settings = get_option( 'wpt_post_types' );
if ( ! is_array( $wpt_settings ) ) {
$wpt_settings = array();
$keys = array();
$values = array();
foreach ( $_POST['wpt_post_types'] as $key => $value ) {
$value = map_deep( $value, 'sanitize_textarea_field' );
// using wp_encode_emoji allows me to save emoji in templates.
// ...but I haven't found a way to convert the saved emoji *back* to unicode.
// sending the HTML entity just yields a broken character on X.com.
$array = array(
'post-published-update' => ( isset( $value['post-published-update'] ) ) ? $value['post-published-update'] : '',
'post-published-text' => $value['post-published-text'],
'post-edited-update' => ( isset( $value['post-edited-update'] ) ) ? $value['post-edited-update'] : '',
'post-edited-text' => $value['post-edited-text'],
array_push( $keys, $key );
array_push( $values, $array );
$wpt_settings = array_combine( $keys, $values );
update_option( 'wpt_post_types', $wpt_settings );
$newlink_published_text = ( isset( $_POST['newlink-published-text'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['newlink-published-text'] ) : '';
update_option( 'newlink-published-text', $newlink_published_text );
update_option( 'jd_twit_blogroll', ( isset( $_POST['jd_twit_blogroll'] ) ) ? 1 : '' );
$message = wpt_select_shortener( map_deep( $_POST, 'sanitize_text_field' ) );
$message .= __( 'XPoster Options Updated', 'wp-to-twitter' );
$message = apply_filters( 'wpt_settings', $message, $_POST );
if ( isset( $_POST['wpt_shortener_update'] ) && 'true' === $_POST['wpt_shortener_update'] ) {
$message = wpt_shortener_update( map_deep( $_POST, 'sanitize_text_field' ) );
// Check whether the server has supported for needed functions.
if ( isset( $_POST['submit-type'] ) && 'check-support' === $_POST['submit-type'] ) {
$service = ( isset( $_POST['mastodon'] ) ) ? 'mastodon' : 'xcom';
$message = wpt_check_functions( $service );
if ( $message ) {
echo '<div id="message" class="updated is-dismissible"><p>' . $message . '</p></div>';
* Build array of post types eligible for XPoster to send updates for.
* @return array
function wpt_possible_post_types() {
$post_types = get_post_types( array(), 'objects' );
$exclusions = array( 'wp_navigation', 'wp_block', 'attachment', 'nav_menu_item', 'revision' );
* Exclude post types from the list of available types to post to X.com.
* @hook wpt_exclude_post_types
* @param {array} $exclusions Array of post type name slugs to exclude.
* @return {array}
$excluded = apply_filters( 'wpt_exclude_post_types', $exclusions );
$return = array();
foreach ( $post_types as $type ) {
// If post type is both private & has no UI, don't show.
if ( false === $type->public && false === $type->show_ui || in_array( $type->name, $excluded, true ) ) {
$return[] = $type;
return $return;
* Show XPoster settings form.
function wpt_update_settings() {
<div class="wrap" id="wp-to-twitter">
if ( defined( 'WPT_STAGING_MODE' ) && true === WPT_STAGING_MODE ) {
echo "<div class='updated notice'><p>" . __( 'XPoster is in staging mode. Status updates will be reported as if successfully sent, but will not be posted.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</p></div>';
if ( ! function_exists( 'wpt_pro_exists' ) ) {
<aside class="xposter-sales"><p class="link-highlight">
// Translators: URL to purchase.
printf( __( 'Buy <strong>XPoster Pro</strong> — supercharge your social media! <a href="%s">Buy Now</a>', 'wp-to-twitter' ), 'https://xposterpro.com/awesome/xposter-pro/' );
<h1><?php _e( 'XPoster Options', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></h1>
<?php wpt_max_length(); ?>
<nav class='nav-tab-wrapper' aria-labelledby="wpt-nav">
<h2 id="wpt-nav" class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'XPoster Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></h2>
<?php wpt_settings_tabs(); ?>
<div id="wpt_settings_page" class="postbox-container jcd-wide">
<div class="metabox-holder">
$default = ( '' === get_option( 'wtt_twitter_username', '' ) ) ? 'connection' : 'basic';
$current = ( isset( $_GET['tab'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['tab'] ) : $default;
if ( 'connection' === $current ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wtt_connect_oauth' ) ) {
if ( 'mastodon' === $current ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wtt_connect_mastodon' ) ) {
if ( 'pro' === $current ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wpt_pro_functions' ) ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wpt_notes' ) ) {
} else {
if ( ! function_exists( 'wpt_pro_exists' ) ) {
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<div class="inside purchase">
<h3><strong><?php _e( 'XPoster Pro', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></strong></h3>
<p class="xposter-highlight">WP to Twitter is now XPoster</p>
Are you wasting time switching between social media and WordPress to promote your posts? Do you have to delete updates because you accidentally published a post? Do you want to be able to schedule your post to send next week, directly from your post editor? XPoster Pro will help you out!
<h3>What will XPoster PRO do for you?</h3>
It takes the great automation from XPoster and turns it up to eleven: publish to unique accounts for each site author; schedule up to 3 re-posts at an interval of your choice; and, with a delay between publishing and your status updates, check your status before it's shared with your followers.
<p class="link-highlight">
<a href="https://xposterpro.com/awesome/xposter-pro/">Upgrade to XPoster Pro</a>
if ( 'basic' === $current ) {
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Status Update Templates', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside wpt-settings">
<form method="post" action="">
$nonce = wp_nonce_field( 'wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false ) . wp_referer_field( false );
echo "<div>$nonce</div>";
echo apply_filters( 'wpt_tweet_length', '' );
echo apply_filters( 'wpt_auto_tweet', '' );
echo apply_filters( 'wpt_pick_shortener', '' );
$post_types = wpt_possible_post_types();
$wpt_settings = get_option( 'wpt_post_types' );
$tabs = "<ul class='tabs' role='tablist'>";
foreach ( $post_types as $type ) {
$name = $type->labels->name;
$slug = $type->name;
$tabs .= "<li><a href='#wpt_$slug' role='tab' id='tab_wpt_$slug' aria-controls='wpt_$slug'>$name</a></li>";
if ( '1' === get_option( 'link_manager_enabled' ) || true === apply_filters( 'pre_option_link_manager_enabled', false ) ) {
$tabs .= "<li><a href='#wpt_links' id='tab_wpt_links' aria-controls='wpt_links'>" . __( 'Links', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</a></li>';
$tabs .= '</ul>';
echo $tabs;
foreach ( $post_types as $type ) {
$name = $type->labels->name;
$slug = $type->name;
<div class='wptab wpt_types wpt_<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>' aria-labelledby='tab_wpt_<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>' role="tabpanel" id='wpt_<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>'>
<legend class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'Status Templates', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpt_post_types[<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>][post-published-update]" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>-post-published-update" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'wpt_post_types', $slug, 'post-published-update' ); ?> />
<label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>-post-published-update"><strong>
// Translators: post type.
printf( __( 'Update when %s are published', 'wp-to-twitter' ), $name );
<label for="<?php echo $slug; ?>-post-published-text"><br/>
// Translators: post type.
printf( __( 'Template for new %s', 'wp-to-twitter' ), $name );
<textarea class="wpt-template widefat" name="wpt_post_types[<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>][post-published-text]" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>-post-published-text" cols="60" rows="3"><?php echo ( isset( $wpt_settings[ $slug ] ) ) ? esc_attr( stripslashes( $wpt_settings[ $slug ]['post-published-text'] ) ) : ''; ?></textarea>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpt_post_types[<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>][post-edited-update]" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>-post-edited-update" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'wpt_post_types', $slug, 'post-edited-update' ); ?> />
<label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>-post-edited-update"><strong>
// Translators: post type name.
printf( __( 'Update when %s are edited', 'wp-to-twitter' ), $name );
</strong></label><br/><label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>-post-edited-text">
// Translators: post type name.
printf( __( 'Template for %1$s edits', 'wp-to-twitter' ), $name );
<textarea class="wpt-template widefat" name="wpt_post_types[<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>][post-edited-text]" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $slug ); ?>-post-edited-text" cols="60" rows="3"><?php echo ( isset( $wpt_settings[ $slug ] ) ) ? esc_attr( stripslashes( $wpt_settings[ $slug ]['post-edited-text'] ) ) : ''; ?></textarea>
if ( function_exists( 'wpt_list_terms' ) ) {
wpt_list_terms( $slug, $name );
if ( '1' === get_option( 'link_manager_enabled' ) || true === apply_filters( 'pre_option_link_manager_enabled', false ) ) {
<div class='wptab wpt_types wpt_links' id="wpt_links">
<legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Links', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></legend>
<input type="checkbox" name="jd_twit_blogroll" id="jd_twit_blogroll" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'jd_twit_blogroll' ); ?> />
<label for="jd_twit_blogroll"><strong><?php _e( 'Update X.com when you post a Blogroll link', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></strong></label><br/>
<label for="newlink-published-text"><?php _e( 'Text for new link updates:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input aria-describedby="newlink-published-text-label" type="text" class="wpt-template" name="newlink-published-text" id="newlink-published-text" class="widefat" maxlength="120" value="<?php echo esc_attr( stripslashes( get_option( 'newlink-published-text' ) ) ); ?>"/><br/><span id="newlink-published-text-label"><?php _e( 'Available shortcodes: <code>#url#</code>, <code>#title#</code>, and <code>#description#</code>.', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span>
<input type="hidden" name="submit-type" value="options" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save XPoster Options', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>" class="button-primary" />
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Status Template Tags', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
<li><?php _e( '<code>#title#</code>: the title of your blog post', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#blog#</code>: the title of your blog', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#post#</code>: a short excerpt of the post content', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#category#</code>: the first selected category for the post', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#cat_desc#</code>: custom value from the category description field', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#date#</code>: the post date', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#modified#</code>: the post modified date', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#url#</code>: the post URL', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#longurl#</code>: the unshortened post URL', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#author#</code>: the post author (@reference if available, otherwise display name)', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#displayname#</code>: post author\'s display name', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#account#</code>: the twitter @reference for the account (or the author, if author settings are enabled and set.)', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#@#</code>: the twitter @reference for the author or blank, if not set', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<li><?php _e( '<code>#tags#</code>: your tags modified into hashtags.', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
if ( function_exists( 'wpt_pro_exists' ) && true === wpt_pro_exists() ) {
<li><?php _e( '<code>#reference#</code>: Used only in co-tweeting. @reference to main account when posted to author account, @reference to author account in post to main account.', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></li>
<?php _e( 'Create custom shortcodes and access WordPress custom fields by using square brackets and the name of your custom field.', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>
<br />
<?php _e( '<strong>Example:</strong> <code>[[custom_field]]</code>', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>
<?php _e( 'Create custom shortcodes and access the post author\'s custom user meta fields by using curly brackets and the name of the custom field.', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>
<br />
<?php _e( '<strong>Example:</strong> <code>{{user_meta}}</code>', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>
if ( 'shortener' === $current ) {
echo apply_filters( 'wpt_shortener_controls', '' );
if ( 'advanced' === $current ) {
<form method="post" action="">
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Tag Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
$nonce = wp_nonce_field( 'wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false ) . wp_referer_field( false );
echo "<div>$nonce</div>";
<legend class='screen-reader-text'><?php _e( 'Hashtags', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
<input type="checkbox" name="jd_strip_nonan" id="jd_strip_nonan" value="1" <?php echo checked( get_option( 'jd_strip_nonan' ), 1 ); ?> /> <label for="jd_strip_nonan"><?php _e( 'Strip nonalphanumeric characters from tags', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpt_tag_source" id="wpt_tag_source" value="slug" <?php checked( get_option( 'wpt_tag_source' ), 'slug' ); ?> />
<label for="wpt_tag_source"><?php _e( 'Use tag slug as hashtag value', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpt_use_cats" id="wpt_use_cats" value="1" <?php checked( get_option( 'wpt_use_cats' ), '1' ); ?> />
<label for="wpt_use_cats"><?php _e( 'Use categories instead of tags', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br/>
if ( ! ( '[ ]' === get_option( 'jd_replace_character' ) || '' === get_option( 'jd_replace_character', '' ) ) ) {
<label for="jd_replace_character"><?php _e( 'Spaces in tags replaced with:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="jd_replace_character" id="jd_replace_character" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option( 'jd_replace_character' ) ); ?>" size="3"/>
<label for="jd_max_tags"><?php _e( 'Maximum number of tags to include:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input aria-describedby="jd_max_characters_label" type="text" name="jd_max_tags" id="jd_max_tags" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option( 'jd_max_tags' ) ); ?>" size="3" />
<label for="jd_max_characters"><?php _e( 'Maximum length in characters for included tags:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="jd_max_characters" id="jd_max_characters" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option( 'jd_max_characters' ) ); ?>" size="3"/>
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Template Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
<legend class='screen-reader-text'><?php _e( 'Template Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
<label for="jd_post_excerpt"><?php _e( 'Post excerpt length in characters', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br />
<input type="text" name="jd_post_excerpt" id="jd_post_excerpt" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php echo( esc_attr( get_option( 'jd_post_excerpt' ) ) ); ?>" />
if ( '' === get_option( 'jd_date_format', '' ) ) {
$format = stripslashes( get_option( 'date_format' ) );
} else {
$format = get_option( 'jd_date_format' );
<label for="jd_date_format"><?php _e( 'Date Format:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br />
<input type="text" aria-describedby="date_format_label" name="jd_date_format" id="jd_date_format" size="12" maxlength="12" value="<?php echo trim( esc_attr( $format ) ); ?>" />
<span id="date_format_label"><?php _e( 'Currently:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?> <?php echo date_i18n( $format ); ?> <a href='https://wordpress.org/support/article/formatting-date-and-time/'><?php _e( 'Date Formatting', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></a>
<label for="jd_twit_prepend"><?php _e( 'Custom text before status:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br />
<input type="text" name="jd_twit_prepend" id="jd_twit_prepend" size="20" value="<?php echo esc_attr( stripslashes( get_option( 'jd_twit_prepend' ) ) ); ?>"/>
<label for="jd_twit_append"><?php _e( 'Custom text after status:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br />
<input type="text" name="jd_twit_append" id="jd_twit_append" size="20" value="<?php echo esc_attr( stripslashes( get_option( 'jd_twit_append' ) ) ); ?>"/>
<label for="jd_twit_custom_url"><?php _e( 'Custom field for alternate post URL:', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br />
<input type="text" name="jd_twit_custom_url" id="jd_twit_custom_url" size="30" maxlength="120" value="<?php echo esc_attr( stripslashes( get_option( 'jd_twit_custom_url' ) ) ); ?>"/>
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Status update controls', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
<legend id="special_cases" class='screen-reader-text'><?php _e( 'Special Cases', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
<input type="checkbox" name="jd_tweet_default" id="jd_tweet_default" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'jd_tweet_default' ); ?> />
<label for="jd_tweet_default"><?php _e( 'Do not post statuses by default', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="jd_tweet_default_edit" id="jd_tweet_default_edit" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'jd_tweet_default_edit' ); ?> />
<label for="jd_tweet_default_edit"><?php _e( 'Do not post statuses by default when editing', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpt_inline_edits" id="wpt_inline_edits" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'wpt_inline_edits' ); ?> />
<label for="wpt_inline_edits"><?php _e( 'Allow status updates from Quick Edit', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpt_rate_limiting" id="wpt_rate_limiting" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'wpt_rate_limiting' ); ?> />
<label for="wpt_rate_limiting"><?php _e( 'Enable Rate Limiting', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
if ( '1' === get_option( 'wpt_rate_limiting' ) ) {
<input type="number" name="wpt_default_rate_limit" min="1" id="wpt_default_rate_limit" value="<?php echo wpt_default_rate_limit(); ?>" />
<label for="wpt_default_rate_limit"><?php _e( 'Default Rate Limit per category per hour', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Google Analytics Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
<legend class='screen-reader-text'><?php _e( 'Google Analytics Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
<input type="radio" name="twitter-analytics" id="use-twitter-analytics" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'use-twitter-analytics' ); ?> />
<label for="use-twitter-analytics"><?php _e( 'Use a Static Identifier', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br/>
<label for="twitter-analytics-campaign"><?php _e( 'Static Campaign identifier', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="twitter-analytics-campaign" id="twitter-analytics-campaign" size="40" maxlength="120" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_option( 'twitter-analytics-campaign' ) ); ?>"/><br/>
<input type="radio" name="twitter-analytics" id="use-dynamic-analytics" value="2" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'use_dynamic_analytics' ); ?> />
<label for="use-dynamic-analytics"><?php _e( 'Use a dynamic identifier', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label><br/>
<label for="jd-dynamic-analytics"><?php _e( 'What dynamic identifier would you like to use?', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<select name="jd-dynamic-analytics" id="jd-dynamic-analytics">
<option value="post_category"<?php checked( get_option( 'jd_dynamic_analytics' ), 'post_category' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Category', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></option>
<option value="post_ID"<?php checked( get_option( 'jd_dynamic_analytics' ), 'post_ID' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Post ID', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></option>
<option value="post_title"<?php checked( get_option( 'jd_dynamic_analytics' ), 'post_title' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Post Title', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></option>
<option value="post_author"<?php checked( get_option( 'jd_dynamic_analytics' ), 'post_author' ); ?>><?php _e( 'Author', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></option>
<input type="radio" name="twitter-analytics" id="no-analytics" value="3" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'no-analytics' ); ?> /> <label for="no-analytics"><?php _e( 'No Analytics', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Permissions', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
<div class='wpt-permissions'>
<legend class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'Permissions', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
global $wp_roles;
$roles = $wp_roles->get_names();
$caps = array(
'wpt_can_tweet' => __( 'Can send Status updates', 'wp-to-twitter' ),
'wpt_twitter_custom' => __( 'See Custom Status Update Field when creating a Post', 'wp-to-twitter' ),
'wpt_twitter_switch' => __( 'Toggle the Update/Don\'t Update option', 'wp-to-twitter' ),
'wpt_tweet_now' => __( 'Can see Update Now button', 'wp-to-twitter' ),
'wpt_twitter_oauth' => __( 'Allow user to authenticate with services', 'wp-to-twitter' ),
$role_tabs = '';
$role_container = '';
foreach ( $roles as $role => $rolename ) {
if ( 'administrator' === $role ) {
$role_tabs .= "<li><a href='#wpt_" . sanitize_title( $role ) . "'>$rolename</a></li>\n";
$role_container .= "<div class='wptab wpt_$role' id='wpt_" . sanitize_title( $role ) . "' aria-live='assertive'><fieldset id='wpt_$role' class='roles'><legend>$rolename</legend>";
$role_container .= "<input type='hidden' value='none' name='wpt_caps[" . $role . "][none]' />
<ul class='wpt-settings checkboxes'>";
foreach ( $caps as $cap => $name ) {
$role_container .= wpt_cap_checkbox( $role, $cap, $name );
$role_container .= '</ul></fieldset></div>';
echo "
<ul class='tabs'>
$default_order = array(
'excerpt' => 0,
'title' => 1,
'date' => 2,
'category' => 3,
'blogname' => 4,
'author' => 5,
'account' => 6,
'tags' => 7,
'modified' => 8,
'@' => 9,
'cat_desc' => 10,
$preferred_order = get_option( 'wpt_truncation_order', false );
$preferred_order = map_deep( $preferred_order, 'absint' );
if ( $preferred_order && $preferred_order !== $default_order ) {
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Template tag priority order', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
$inputs = '';
if ( ! $preferred_order ) {
$preferred_order = array();
$preferred_order = array_merge( $default_order, $preferred_order );
if ( is_array( $preferred_order ) ) {
$default_order = $preferred_order;
asort( $default_order );
foreach ( $default_order as $k => $v ) {
if ( 'blogname' === $k ) {
$label = '<code>#blog#</code>';
} elseif ( 'excerpt' === $k ) {
$label = '<code>#post#</code>';
} else {
$label = '<code>#' . $k . '#</code>';
$inputs .= "<div class='wpt-truncate'><label for='" . esc_attr( "$k-$v" ) . "'>$label</label><br /><input type='number' size='3' value='" . esc_attr( $v ) . "' name='wpt_truncation_order[" . esc_attr( $k ) . "]' /></div> ";
<legend class='screen-reader-text'><?php _e( 'Template tag priority order', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
_e( 'The order in which items will be abbreviated or removed from your status if the status is too long to send.', 'wp-to-twitter' );
_e( 'Tags with lower values will be modified first.', 'wp-to-twitter' );
<?php echo $inputs; ?>
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Miscellaneous Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
<legend class='screen-reader-text'><?php _e( 'Miscellaneous Settings', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></legend>
<input type="checkbox" name="wp_debug_oauth" id="wp_debug_oauth" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'wp_debug_oauth' ); ?> /> <label for="wp_debug_oauth"><?php _e( 'Get Debugging Data for OAuth Connection', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="checkbox" name="wpt_debug_tweets" id="wpt_debug_tweets" value="1" <?php echo wpt_checkbox( 'wpt_debug_tweets' ); ?> /> <label for="wpt_debug_tweets"><?php _e( 'Enable XPoster Debugging', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></label>
<input type="hidden" name="submit-type" value="advanced"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e( 'Save Advanced XPoster Options', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>" class="button-primary"/>
if ( 'support' === $current ) {
<div class="postbox" id="get-support">
<h3><span><?php _e( 'Get Plug-in Support', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></span></h3>
<div class="inside">
<?php wpt_get_support_form(); ?>
<?php wpt_sidebar(); ?>
* Show XPoster sidebar content.
function wpt_sidebar() {
$context = ( ! function_exists( 'wpt_pro_exists' ) ) ? 'free' : 'premium';
<div class="postbox-container jcd-narrow">
<div class="metabox-holder">
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables<?php echo ' ' . $context; ?>">
<div class="postbox">
if ( 'free' === $context ) {
<h3><span><strong><?php _e( 'Buy XPoster Pro', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></strong></span></h3>
} else {
<h3><span><strong><?php _e( 'XPoster Support', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></strong></span></h3>
<div class="inside resources">
if ( 'free' === $context ) {
<p class="link-highlight">
<a href="https://xposterpro.com/awesome/xposter-pro/">Buy XPoster Pro</a>
<a href="https://toot.io/@joedolson" class="mastodon-follow-button">Follow toot.io/@joedolson</a>
if ( 'premium' === $context ) {
$support_url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro' );
$support = '<a href="' . esc_url( add_query_arg( 'tab', 'support', $support_url ) ) . '#get-support">' . __( 'Get Support', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</a> • ';
} else {
$support_url = false;
$support = '';
<p><?php echo $support; ?><a href="https://docs.xposterpro.com/"><?php _e( 'Documentation', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></a></p>
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
$admin_url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro&refresh_wpt_server_string=true' );
$link = "<a href='" . $admin_url . "'>" . __( 'Test again', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</a>';
<h3><?php _e( 'X.com Time Check', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?> • <?php echo $link; ?></h3>
<div class="inside server">
<?php wpt_do_server_check(); ?>
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><?php _e( 'Test Status Updates', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside test">
<?php _e( 'Check whether XPoster is set up for your connected services and URL Shortener. The test sends a status update to each connected service and shortens a URL.', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="submit-type" value="check-support" />
$nonce = wp_nonce_field( 'wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false ) . wp_referer_field( false );
echo "<div>$nonce</div>";
<input type="submit" name="status-update" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Test Updates', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?>" class="button-secondary" />
if ( '1' === get_option( 'wpt_rate_limiting' ) ) {
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h3><?php _e( 'Monitor Rate Limiting', 'wp-to-twitter' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside server">
<?php echo wpt_view_rate_limits(); ?>
* Compare your server time to X.com's time.
* @param boolean $test Doing a test.
function wpt_do_server_check( $test = false ) {
$wpt_server_string = get_option( 'wpt_server_string' );
$date = '';
if ( ! $wpt_server_string || isset( $_GET['refresh_wpt_server_string'] ) || true === $test ) {
$server_time = gmdate( DATE_COOKIE );
$response = wp_remote_get(
'timeout' => 30,
'redirection' => 1,
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$warning = '';
$error = $response->errors;
if ( is_array( $error ) ) {
$warning = '<ul>';
foreach ( $error as $k => $e ) {
foreach ( $e as $v ) {
$warning .= '<li>' . $v . '</li>';
$warning .= '</ul>';
$errors = '<li>' . $warning . '</li>';
} else {
$date = gmdate( DATE_COOKIE, strtotime( $response['headers']['date'] ) );
$errors = '';
if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
if ( abs( strtotime( $server_time ) - strtotime( $response['headers']['date'] ) ) > 300 ) {
$diff = __( 'Your time stamps are more than 5 minutes apart. Your server could lose its connection with X.com.', 'wp-to-twitter' );
} else {
$diff = __( 'Your time stamp matches the X.com server time', 'wp-to-twitter' );
$diff = "<li>$diff</li>";
} else {
$diff = '<li>' . __( 'XPoster could not contact X.com.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</li>';
$timezone = '<li>' . __( 'Your server timezone:', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . ' ' . date_default_timezone_get() . '</li>';
$search = array( 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday' );
$replace = array( 'Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun' );
$server_time = str_replace( $search, $replace, $server_time );
$date = str_replace( $search, $replace, $date );
$wpt_server_string =
<li>' . __( 'Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '<br /><code>' . $server_time . '</code>' . '</li>' .
'<li>' . __( 'X.com\'s server time: ', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '<br /><code>' . $date . '</code>' . "</li>
update_option( 'wpt_server_string', $wpt_server_string );
echo $wpt_server_string;
add_filter( 'wpt_tweet_length', 'wpt_tweet_length' );
* Add control to set maximum length for a status update.
* @return string HTML control.
function wpt_tweet_length() {
$language = get_locale();
switch ( $language ) {
case 'zh_CN':
case 'zh_HK':
case 'zh_HK':
case 'ja':
case 'ko_KR':
$default = 140;
$default = 280;
if ( ! get_option( 'wpt_tweet_length' ) ) {
// If not set, save as option so character counter works correctly.
update_option( 'wpt_tweet_length', $default );
$tweet_length = intval( ( get_option( 'wpt_tweet_length' ) ) ? get_option( 'wpt_tweet_length' ) : $default );
$control = "<p class='tweet_length_control'>
<label for='wpt_tweet_length'>" . __( 'Maximum Status Length', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . "</label>
<input type='number' min='0' max='25000' step='1' value='$tweet_length' id='wpt_tweet_length' aria-describedby='maxlengthwarning' name='wpt_tweet_length' />
<span id='maxlengthwarning'>" . __( 'X.com Statuses longer than 280 characters require an <a href="https://help.twitter.com/en/using-x/x-premium">X Premium</a> subscription.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . ' ' . __( 'Most Mastodon servers have a 500 character limit.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . '</span>
return $control;
add_filter( 'wpt_settings', 'wpt_set_tweet_length' );
* Set the maximum length for a status update.
function wpt_set_tweet_length() {
if ( isset( $_POST['wpt_tweet_length'] ) ) {
update_option( 'wpt_tweet_length', intval( $_POST['wpt_tweet_length'] ) );
add_filter( 'wpt_auto_tweet', 'wpt_auto_tweet' );
* Add control to allow auto status updates on imported posts.
* @return string HTML control.
function wpt_auto_tweet() {
$allow = ( '0' === get_option( 'wpt_auto_tweet_allowed', '0' ) ) ? false : true;
$note = ( $allow ) ? '<strong id="auto_tweet_note">(' . __( 'When publishing manually, you will need to save drafts prior to publishing to support XPoster metabox options.', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . ')</strong>' : '';
$control = "<p class='wpt_auto_tweet_allowed'>
<input type='checkbox' value='1' " . checked( $allow, true, false ) . "id='wpt_auto_tweet_allowed' name='wpt_auto_tweet_allowed' aria-describedby='auto_tweet_note' /> <label for='wpt_auto_tweet_allowed'>" . __( 'Allow status updates from Post Importers', 'wp-to-twitter' ) . "</label> $note
return $control;
add_filter( 'wpt_settings', 'wpt_set_auto_tweet_allowed' );
* Set the automatic status update allowed parameter..
function wpt_set_auto_tweet_allowed() {
if ( isset( $_POST['wpt_auto_tweet_allowed'] ) ) {
update_option( 'wpt_auto_tweet_allowed', '1' );
} else {
delete_option( 'wpt_auto_tweet_allowed' );