Source: services/x/class-wpt-twitteroauth.php

 * Abraham Williams (
 * @category Core
 * @package  XPoster
 * @author   Joe Dolson
 * @license  GPLv2 or later
 * @link
 * The first PHP Library to support WPOAuth for's REST API.

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

require_once 'class-wp-oauth.php';

if ( ! class_exists( 'Wpt_TwitterOAuth' ) ) {

	 * WPOAuth class
	class Wpt_TwitterOAuth {
		 * Contains the last HTTP status code returned
		 * @var status code
		public $http_code;
		 * Contains the last API call.
		 * @var $url
		public $url;
		 * Set up the API root URL.
		 * @var $host
		public $host = '';
		 * Set timeout default.
		 * @var $format
		public $format = 'json';
		 * Decode returned json data.
		 * @var $decode_json
		public $decode_json = false;
		 * Contains the last API call
		 * @var $last_api_call
		private $last_api_call;
		 * Contains the header
		 * @var $http_header
		public $http_header;
		 * Contains the body
		 * @var $body
		public $body;

		 * Set API URLS
		 * @return access token endpoint.
		protected function access_token_url() {
			return '';

		 * Set authentication URL.
		 * @return authentication endpoint.
		protected function authenticate_url() {
			return '';

		 * Set authorization URL.
		 * @return authorization endpoint.
		protected function authorize_url() {
			return '';

		 * Set request Token URL.
		 * @return request token ednpoint.
		protected function request_token_url() {
			return '';

		 * Debug helpers
		 * @return last query's http code response.
		public function last_status_code() {
			return $this->http_code;

		 * Return last API call.
		 * @return last query API call.
		public function last_api_call() {
			return $this->last_api_call;

		 * Construct TwitterWPOAuth object
		 * @param string $consumer_key Consumer key.
		 * @param string $consumer_secret Consumer secret.
		 * @param string $wp_oauth_token Token.
		 * @param string $wp_oauth_token_secret Token secret.
		public function __construct( $consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $wp_oauth_token = null, $wp_oauth_token_secret = null ) {
			$this->sha1_method = new WPOAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
			$this->consumer    = new WPOAuthConsumer( $consumer_key, $consumer_secret );
			if ( ! empty( $wp_oauth_token ) && ! empty( $wp_oauth_token_secret ) ) {
				$this->token = new WPOAuthConsumer( $wp_oauth_token, $wp_oauth_token_secret );
			} else {
				$this->token = null;

		 * Get a request_token from Xcom
		 * @returns a key/value array containing WPOAuth_token and WPOAuth_token_secret
		public function get_request_token() {
			$r           = $this->wp_oauth_request( $this->request_token_url() );
			$token       = $this->wp_oauth_parse_response( $r );
			$this->token = new WPOAuthConsumer( $token['WPOAuth_token'], $token['WPOAuth_token_secret'] );

			return $token;

		 * Parse a URL-encoded WPOAuth response
		 * @param string $response_string String from response.
		 * @return a key/value array
		public function wp_oauth_parse_response( $response_string ) {
			$r = array();
			foreach ( explode( '&', $response_string ) as $param ) {
				$pair = explode( '=', $param, 2 );
				if ( count( $pair ) !== 2 ) {
				$r[ urldecode( $pair[0] ) ] = urldecode( $pair[1] );

			return $r;

		 * Get the authorize URL
		 * @param array $token Token array.
		 * @returns a string
		public function getauthorize_url( $token ) {
			if ( is_array( $token ) ) {
				$token = $token['WPOAuth_token'];

			return $this->authorize_url() . '?WPOAuth_token=' . $token;

		 * Get the authenticate URL
		 * @param array $token Token array.
		 * @returns a string
		public function getauthenticate_url( $token ) {
			if ( is_array( $token ) ) {
				$token = $token['WPOAuth_token'];

			return $this->authenticate_url() . '?WPOAuth_token=' . $token;

		 * Exchange the request token and secret for an access token and secret, to sign API calls.
		 * @param array $token Token array.
		 * @returns array("WPOAuth_token" => the access token, "WPOAuth_token_secret" => the access secret)
		public function get_access_token( $token = null ) {
			$r           = $this->wp_oauth_request( $this->access_token_url() );
			$token       = $this->wp_oauth_parse_response( $r );
			$this->token = new WPOAuthConsumer( $token['WPOAuth_token'], $token['WPOAuth_token_secret'] );

			return $token;

		 * Wrapper for POST requests
		 * @param string $url URL.
		 * @param array  $parameters Request params.
		 * @return array decoded response.
		public function post( $url, $parameters = array() ) {
			$response = $this->wp_oauth_request( $url, $parameters, 'POST' );
			if ( 'json' === $this->format && $this->decode_json ) {
				return json_decode( $response );

			return $response;

		 * Wrapper for MEDIA requests
		 * @param string $url URL.
		 * @param array  $parameters Request params.
		 * @return decoded response.
		public function media( $url, $parameters = array() ) {
			$response = $this->wp_oauth_request( $url, $parameters, 'MEDIA' );
			if ( 'json' === $this->format && $this->decode_json ) {
				return json_decode( $response );

			return $response;

		 * Wrapper for GET requests
		 * @param string $url URL.
		 * @param array  $parameters Request params.
		 * @return decoded response.
		public function get( $url, $parameters = array() ) {
			$response = $this->wp_oauth_request( $url, $parameters, 'GET' );
			if ( 'json' === $this->format && $this->decode_json ) {
				return json_decode( $response );

			return $response;

		 * Handles a status update that includes an image.
		 * @param string $url Target URL.
		 * @param array  $args Array of arguments to send.
		 * @return boolean
		public function handle_media_request( $url, $args = array() ) {
			// Load tmhOAuth for Media uploads only when needed:
			// It's not possible to upload media using WP_HTTP, so this needs to use cURL.
			if ( ! class_exists( 'tmhOAuth' ) ) {
				require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'class-tmhoauth.php';
			$auth = $args['auth'];
			if ( ! $auth ) {
				$ack = get_option( 'app_consumer_key' );
				$acs = get_option( 'app_consumer_secret' );
				$ot  = get_option( 'oauth_token' );
				$ots = get_option( 'oauth_token_secret' );
			} else {
				$ack = get_user_meta( $auth, 'app_consumer_key', true );
				$acs = get_user_meta( $auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true );
				$ot  = get_user_meta( $auth, 'oauth_token', true );
				$ots = get_user_meta( $auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true );

			$connect    = array(
				'consumer_key'    => $ack,
				'consumer_secret' => $acs,
				'user_token'      => $ot,
				'user_secret'     => $ots,
			$tmh_oauth  = new TmhOAuth( $connect );
			$media_id   = $args['media'];
			$attachment = $args['attachment'];

			$alt_text = get_post_meta( $attachment, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
			 * Add alt attributes to uploaded images.
			 * @hook wpt_uploaded_image_alt
			 * @param {string} $alt_text Text stored in media library as alt.
			 * @param {int}    $attachment Attachment ID.
			 * @return {string}
			$alt_text = apply_filters( 'wpt_uploaded_image_alt', $alt_text, $attachment );
			if ( '' !== $alt_text ) {
				$image_alt = wp_json_encode(
						'media_id' => $media_id,
						'alt_text' => array(
							'text' => $alt_text,
						'content-type' => 'application/json',

			return $media_id;

		 * Format and sign an WPOAuth / API request
		 * @param string $url Target URL.
		 * @param array  $args Arguments for signing.
		 * @param string $method Method type.
		 * @return string|array JSON encoded request or array.
		public function wp_oauth_request( $url, $args = array(), $method = null ) {
			// Handle media requests using tmhOAuth library.
			if ( 'MEDIA' === $method ) {
				return $this->handle_media_request( $url, $args );

			if ( empty( $method ) ) {
				$method = empty( $args ) ? 'GET' : 'POST';
			$req = WP_Oauth_Request::from_consumer_and_token( $this->consumer, $this->token, $method, $url, $args );
			$req->sign_request( $this->sha1_method, $this->consumer, $this->token );

			$response = false;
			$url      = null;

			switch ( $method ) {
				case 'GET':
					$url      = $req->to_url();
					$response = wp_remote_get( $url );
				case 'POST':
					// TODO: if JSON, need to authenticate, pass bearer authentication as header in query.
					// TODO: add content-type when JSON.
					$url      = $req->get_normalized_http_url();
					$args     = wp_parse_args( $req->to_postdata() );
					$response = wp_remote_post(
							'body'    => $args,
							'timeout' => 30,

			if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
				return false;
			$this->http_code     = $response['response']['code'];
			$this->body          = json_decode( $response['body'] );
			$this->last_api_call = $url;
			$this->format        = 'json';
			$this->http_header   = $response['headers'];

			return $response['body'];