* Fetch status information for a post.
* @category Status Updates
* @package XPoster
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/wp-to-twitter/
* Builds array of post info for use in status update functions.
* @param integer $post_ID Post ID.
* @return array Post data used in status update functions.
function wpt_post_info( $post_ID ) {
$encoding = get_option( 'blog_charset', 'UTF-8' );
$excerpt_length = get_option( 'jd_post_excerpt' );
$dateformat = ( '' === get_option( 'jd_date_format', '' ) ) ? get_option( 'date_format' ) : get_option( 'jd_date_format' );
$post = get_post( $post_ID );
$category_ids = array();
$values = array();
$values['id'] = $post_ID;
$values['postinfo'] = $post;
$values['postContent'] = $post->post_content;
$values['authId'] = $post->post_author;
$values['_postDate'] = mysql2date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $post->post_date );
$values['postDate'] = mysql2date( $dateformat, $post->post_date );
$values['_postModified'] = mysql2date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $post->post_modified );
$values['postModified'] = mysql2date( $dateformat, $post->post_modified );
// get first category.
$category = '';
$cat_desc = '';
$categories = get_the_category( $post_ID );
$cats = array();
$cat_descs = array();
if ( is_array( $categories ) ) {
if ( count( $categories ) > 0 ) {
$category = $categories[0]->cat_name;
$cat_desc = $categories[0]->description;
foreach ( $categories as $cat ) {
$category_ids[] = $cat->term_id;
$cats[] = $cat->cat_name;
$cat_descs[] = $cat->description;
* Filter the space separated list of category names in #cats#.
* @hook wpt_twitter_category_names
* @param {array} $cats Array of category names attached to this status update.
* @return {array}
$cat_names = implode( ' ', apply_filters( 'wpt_twitter_category_names', $cats ) );
* Filter the space separated list of category descriptions in #cat_descs#.
* @hook wpt_twitter_category_descs
* @param {array} $cats Array of category descriptions attached to this status update.
* @return {array}
$category_descriptions = implode( ' ', apply_filters( 'wpt_twitter_category_descs', $cat_descs ) );
} else {
$category = '';
$cat_desc = '';
$category_ids = array();
$values['cats'] = $cat_names;
$values['cat_descs'] = $category_descriptions;
$values['categoryIds'] = $category_ids;
$values['category'] = ( $category ) ? html_entity_decode( $category, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding ) : '';
$values['cat_desc'] = ( $cat_desc ) ? html_entity_decode( $cat_desc, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding ) : '';
$post_excerpt = ( '' === trim( $post->post_excerpt ) ) ? mb_substr( wp_strip_all_tags( strip_shortcodes( $post->post_content ) ), 0, $excerpt_length ) : mb_substr( wp_strip_all_tags( strip_shortcodes( $post->post_excerpt ) ), 0, $excerpt_length );
$values['postExcerpt'] = ( $post_excerpt ) ? html_entity_decode( $post_excerpt, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding ) : '';
$thisposttitle = $post->post_title;
if ( '' === $thisposttitle && isset( $_POST['title'] ) ) {
$thisposttitle = wp_kses_post( wp_unslash( $_POST['title'] ) );
$thisposttitle = wp_strip_all_tags( apply_filters( 'the_title', stripcslashes( $thisposttitle ), $post_ID ) );
// These are common sequences that may not be fixed by html_entity_decode due to double encoding.
$search = array( ''', ''', '"', '"', '&', '&' );
$replace = array( "'", "'", '"', '"', '&', '&' );
$thisposttitle = str_replace( $search, $replace, $thisposttitle );
$values['postTitle'] = html_entity_decode( $thisposttitle, ENT_QUOTES, $encoding );
$values['postLink'] = wpt_link( $post_ID );
$values['blogTitle'] = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
$values['shortUrl'] = wpt_short_url( $post_ID );
$values['postStatus'] = $post->post_status;
$values['postType'] = $post->post_type;
* Filters post array to insert custom data that can be used in status update process.
* @hook wpt_post_info
* @param {array} $values Existing values.
* @param {integer} $post_ID Post ID.
* @return {array} $values
$values = apply_filters( 'wpt_post_info', $values, $post_ID );
return $values;
* Retrieve stored short URL.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @return string|bool False if no stored URL.
function wpt_short_url( $post_id ) {
global $post_ID;
if ( ! $post_id ) {
$post_id = $post_ID;
$use_urls = ( get_option( 'wpt_use_stored_urls' ) === 'false' ) ? false : true;
$short = ( $use_urls ) ? get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wpt_short_url', true ) : false;
$short = ( '' === $short ) ? false : $short;
return $short;
* Function checks for an alternate URL to be updated. Contribution by Bill Berry.
* @param int $post_ID Post ID.
* @return Link to use for this URL.
function wpt_link( $post_ID ) {
$ex_link = false;
$external_link = get_option( 'jd_twit_custom_url', '' );
$permalink = get_permalink( $post_ID );
if ( '' !== $external_link ) {
$ex_link = get_post_meta( $post_ID, $external_link, true );
return ( $ex_link ) ? $ex_link : $permalink;
* Generate hash tags from tags set on post.
* @param int $post_ID Post ID.
* @return string $hashtags Hashtags in format needed for status updates.
function wpt_generate_hash_tags( $post_ID ) {
$hashtags = '';
$term_meta = false;
$t_id = false;
$max_tags = get_option( 'jd_max_tags', '3' );
$max_characters = get_option( 'jd_max_characters', '20' );
$max_characters = ( '0' === $max_characters || '' === $max_characters ) ? 100 : $max_characters + 1;
if ( '0' === $max_tags || '' === $max_tags ) {
$max_tags = 100;
$use_cats = ( '1' === get_option( 'wpt_use_cats' ) ) ? true : false;
$tags = ( true === $use_cats ) ? wp_get_post_categories( $post_ID, array( 'fields' => 'all' ) ) : get_the_tags( $post_ID );
* Change the taxonomy used by default to generate post tags. Array of terms attached to post.
* @hook wpt_hash_source
* @param {array} $tags Array of post terms.
* @param {int} $post_ID Post ID.
* @return {array}
$tags = apply_filters( 'wpt_hash_source', $tags, $post_ID );
if ( $tags && count( $tags ) > 0 ) {
$i = 1;
foreach ( $tags as $value ) {
if ( function_exists( 'wpt_pro_exists' ) ) {
$t_id = $value->term_id;
$term_meta = get_option( "wpt_taxonomy_$t_id" );
$source = get_option( 'wpt_tag_source' );
if ( 'slug' === $source ) {
// If the tag has an '@' symbol as the first character, assume it is a mention unless set.
if ( 0 === stripos( $value->name, '@' ) && ! $term_meta ) {
$term_meta = 5;
$tag = $value->slug;
} else {
$tag = $value->name;
// If the tag has an '@' symbol as the first character, assume it is a mention unless set.
if ( 0 === stripos( $value->name, '@' ) && ! $term_meta ) {
$term_meta = 4;
$strip = get_option( 'jd_strip_nonan' );
$search = '/[^\p{L}\p{N}\s]/u';
$replace = get_option( 'jd_replace_character' );
$replace = ( '[ ]' === $replace || '' === $replace ) ? '' : $replace;
if ( false !== strpos( $tag, ' ' ) ) {
// If multiple words, camelcase tag.
$tag = ucwords( $tag );
$tag = str_ireplace( ' ', $replace, trim( $tag ) );
$tag = preg_replace( '/[\/]/', $replace, $tag ); // remove forward slashes.
$tag = ( '1' === $strip ) ? preg_replace( $search, $replace, $tag ) : $tag;
switch ( $term_meta ) {
case 1:
$newtag = "#$tag";
case 2:
$newtag = "$$tag";
case 3:
$newtag = '';
case 4:
$newtag = $tag;
case 5:
$newtag = "@$tag";
* Change the default tag character. Default '#'.
* @hook wpt_tag_default
* @param {string} $char Character used to convert tags into hashtags.
* @param {int} $t_id Term ID.
* @return {string}
$newtag = apply_filters( 'wpt_tag_default', '#', $t_id ) . $tag;
if ( mb_strlen( $newtag ) > 2 && ( mb_strlen( $newtag ) <= $max_characters ) && ( $i <= $max_tags ) ) {
$hashtags .= "$newtag ";
$hashtags = trim( $hashtags );
if ( mb_strlen( $hashtags ) <= 1 ) {
$hashtags = '';
return $hashtags;