* Fields API.
* @category API
* @package My Tickets
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/my-tickets/
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Exit if accessed directly
add_action( 'init', 'mt_add_actions' );
* Parent function to insert custom filters.
function mt_add_actions() {
// adds field to Add to Cart form.
add_filter( 'mt_add_to_cart_fields', 'mt_custom_field', 10, 2 );
// Save field data to cookie/user meta for use in cart.
add_action( 'mt_add_to_cart_ajax_field_handler', 'mt_handle_custom_field', 10, 2 );
// Display field data in shopping cart.
add_filter( 'mt_show_in_cart_fields', 'mt_show_custom_field', 10, 6 );
// Insert submitted data into Payment post meta.
add_action( 'mt_save_payment_fields', 'mt_insert_custom_field', 10, 3 );
// Display field data in tickets list.
add_filter( 'mt_custom_tickets_fields', 'mt_custom_tickets_fields', 10, 4 );
* Get My Tickets custom fields.
* @param string $context Where is this field being used. Input, cart, ticket, receipt.
* @return array
function mt_get_custom_fields( $context ) {
$fields = array();
* Hook to add custom fields.
* @hook mt_custom_fields
* @param {array} $fields Array of custom fields. Default empty.
* @param {string} $context Where is this function being called. Input, cart, ticket, receipt, etc.
* @return {array}
$fields = apply_filters( 'mt_custom_fields', $fields, $context );
return $fields;
* Add custom fields to tickets.
* @param string $output Field output.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
* @param int $payment_id Payment ID.
* @param string $sep Field separator.
* @return string
function mt_custom_tickets_fields( $output, $event_id, $payment_id, $sep ) {
$custom_fields = mt_get_custom_fields( 'tickets' );
$return = '';
$last_value = '';
foreach ( $custom_fields as $name => $field ) {
$data = get_post_meta( $payment_id, $name );
$return = apply_filters( 'mt_custom_ticket_display_field', '', $data, $name, $payment_id );
if ( ! empty( $data ) && '' === $return ) {
foreach ( $data as $d ) {
if ( ! isset( $field['display_callback'] ) ) {
$display_value = stripslashes( $d[ $name ] );
} else {
$display_value = call_user_func( $field['display_callback'], $d[ $name ], 'payment', $field );
if ( '' !== $display_value && (string) $d['event_id'] === (string) $event_id ) {
$added_value = $field['title'] . ' - ' . $display_value;
if ( $added_value === $last_value ) {
} else {
$add_value = apply_filters( 'mt_custom_ticket_format_output', $added_value . $sep, $payment_id, $name );
$output .= $add_value;
$last_value = $added_value;
$return = ( $return ) ? '<div class="mt-custom-fields">' . $return . '</div>' : '';
return $output . $return;
* Check whether defined custom ticket fields should be shown on a given event.
* @param array $field Field info.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
* @return bool
function mt_apply_custom_field( $field, $event_id ) {
$return = false;
if ( ! isset( $field['context'] ) || 'global' === $field['context'] ) {
$return = true;
if ( is_numeric( $field['context'] ) && (int) $field['context'] === (int) $event_id ) {
$return = true;
if ( is_array( $field['context'] ) && in_array( $event_id, $field['context'], true ) ) {
$return = true;
* Filter the boolean value that indicates whether a custom field should be shown on an event.
* @hook mt_apply_custom_field_rules
* @param {bool} $return True to return this field.
* @param {array} $field Array of custom field characteristics.
* @param {int} $event_id Event being displayed.
* @return {bool}
return apply_filters( 'mt_apply_custom_field_rules', $return, $field, $event_id );
* Process array of custom field definitions to return output HTML.
* @param array $fields Field data.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
* @return string
function mt_custom_field( $fields, $event_id ) {
$custom_fields = mt_get_custom_fields( 'input' );
$output = '';
foreach ( $custom_fields as $name => $field ) {
$continue = mt_apply_custom_field( $field, $event_id );
* Modify a custom field's characteristics prior to rendering.
* @hook mt_field_parameters
* @param {array} $field Array of field information.
* @param {int} $event_id The event being rendered.
* @return {array}
$field = apply_filters( 'mt_field_parameters', $field, $event_id );
if ( $continue && is_array( $field ) ) {
$user_value = esc_attr( stripslashes( mt_get_data( $name . '_' . $event_id ) ) );
$required = isset( $field['required'] ) ? ' required' : '';
$req_label = isset( $field['required'] ) ? ' <span class="required">' . __( 'Required', 'my-tickets' ) . '</span>' : '';
switch ( $field['input_type'] ) {
case 'text':
case 'number':
case 'email':
case 'url':
case 'date':
case 'tel':
$output = "<input type='" . $field['input_type'] . "' name='$name' id='$name' value='$user_value'$required />";
case 'textarea':
$output = "<textarea rows='6' cols='60' name='$name' id='$name'$required>$user_value</textarea>";
case 'select':
if ( isset( $field['input_values'] ) ) {
$output = "<select name='$name' id='$name'$required>";
foreach ( $field['input_values'] as $value ) {
$value = esc_attr( stripslashes( $value ) );
if ( $value === $user_value ) {
$selected = " selected='selected'";
} else {
$selected = '';
$output .= "<option value='" . esc_attr( stripslashes( $value ) ) . "'$selected>" . $value . "</option>\n";
$output .= '</select>';
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
if ( isset( $field['input_values'] ) ) {
$value = $field['input_values'];
if ( '' !== $user_value ) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
} else {
$checked = '';
$output = "<input type='" . $field['input_type'] . "' name='$name' id='$name' value='" . esc_attr( stripslashes( $value ) ) . "'$checked $required />";
$output = "<input type='text' name='$name' id='$name' value='$user_value' $required />";
$class = 'mt-' . sanitize_html_class( $field['title'] );
$fields .= "<div class='mt-ticket-field $class'><label for='$name'>" . $field['title'] . $req_label . '</label> ' . $output . '</div>';
return $fields;
* Call user functions to sanitize and save custom data with current user's shopping cart.
* @param mixed $saved data to save.
* @param array $submit Submitted data.
* @return mixed
function mt_handle_custom_field( $saved, $submit ) {
$custom_fields = mt_get_custom_fields( 'sanitize' );
foreach ( $custom_fields as $name => $field ) {
if ( isset( $submit[ $name ] ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $field['sanitize_callback'] ) || ( isset( $field['sanitize_callback'] ) && ! function_exists( $field['sanitize_callback'] ) ) ) {
// if no sanitization is provided, we'll prep it for SQL and strip tags.
if ( is_array( $submit[ $name ] ) ) {
$sanitized = map_deep( $submit[ $name ], 'sanitize_text_field' );
} else {
$sanitized = sanitize_text_field( $submit[ $name ] );
} else {
$sanitized = call_user_func( $field['sanitize_callback'], urldecode( $submit[ $name ] ) );
$event_id = $submit['mt_event_id'];
mt_save_data( $sanitized, $name . '_' . $event_id );
return $saved;
* Display saved data in shopping cart and add hidden input field to pass into payment creation.
* @param string $content Shopping cart html.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
* @param int|bool $payment Payment ID if available.
* @param string $type Ticket type for this line item.
* @param int $count Number of tickets of this type in cart. May change dynamically.
* @param string $format Whether we're in the cart or confirmation view.
* @return string
function mt_show_custom_field( $content, $event_id, $payment, $type, $count, $format ) {
$custom_fields = mt_get_custom_fields( 'display' );
$return = '';
foreach ( $custom_fields as $name => $field ) {
$data = mt_get_data( $name . '_' . $event_id );
if ( ! isset( $field['display_callback'] ) || ( isset( $field['display_callback'] ) && ! function_exists( $field['display_callback'] ) ) ) {
$display_value = sanitize_text_field( $data );
} else {
$display_value = call_user_func( $field['display_callback'], $data, 'cart', $field );
$return .= $display_value . "<input type='hidden' name='{$name}[$event_id]' value='" . esc_attr( $data ) . "' />";
$return = ( $return ) ? '<div class="mt-custom-fields">' . $return . '</div>' : '';
return $content . $return;
* Insert post meta data into payment field.
* @param integer $payment_id Payment ID.
* @param array $post POST data.
* @param array $purchased Purchase info.
function mt_insert_custom_field( $payment_id, $post, $purchased ) {
$custom_fields = mt_get_custom_fields( 'save' );
foreach ( $custom_fields as $name => $field ) {
if ( isset( $post[ $name ] ) ) {
foreach ( $post[ $name ] as $event_id => $data ) {
if ( '' !== $data ) {
if ( ! isset( $field['sanitize_callback'] ) || ( isset( $field['sanitize_callback'] ) && ! function_exists( $field['sanitize_callback'] ) ) ) {
// if no sanitization is provided, we'll prep it for SQL and strip tags.
$sanitized = sanitize_text_field( $data );
} else {
$sanitized = call_user_func( $field['sanitize_callback'], $data );
$data = array(
'event_id' => $event_id,
$name => $sanitized,
add_post_meta( $payment_id, $name, $data );
* Execute a custom action when saving custom field data.
* @hook mt_save_custom_field
* @param {int} $payment_id Payment ID for this purchase.
* @param {int} $event_id Event tickets purchased for.
* @param {string} $name Custom field key being saved.
* @param {array} $sanitized Data submitted by user post-sanitization.
* @param {array} $purchased Full purchase data.
do_action( 'mt_custom_field_saved', $payment_id, $event_id, $name, $data, $purchased );
* Display custom field in payment post manager.
* @param string $content Form HTML.
* @param int $payment_id Payment ID.
* @return string
function mt_show_payment_field( $content, $payment_id ) {
$custom_fields = mt_get_custom_fields( 'admin' );
$output = '';
foreach ( $custom_fields as $name => $field ) {
$data = get_post_meta( $payment_id, $name );
* Customize the output of custom fields in the admin Payment record.
* @hook mt_custom_display_field
* @param {string} $output_html. Default empty string.
* @param {mixed} $data Saved data from post meta.
* @param {string} $name Field name array key.
* @return {string}
$return = apply_filters( 'mt_custom_display_field', '', $data, $name );
if ( '' === $return ) {
foreach ( $data as $d ) {
if ( ! isset( $field['display_callback'] ) ) {
$display_value = stripslashes( $d[ $name ] );
} else {
$display_value = call_user_func( $field['display_callback'], $d[ $name ], 'payment', $field );
if ( '' !== $display_value ) {
$event_title = get_the_title( $d['event_id'] );
$output .= apply_filters( 'mt_custom_data_format_output', "<p><strong>$event_title</strong>:<br />$field[title] - $display_value</p>", $payment_id, $name );
} else {
$output .= $return;
return $content . $output;
* Display custom field on tickets/receipts
* @param int $payment_id Payment ID.
* @param string|boolean $custom_field Custom field data to display.
* @return string
function mt_show_custom_data( $payment_id, $custom_field = false ) {
$custom_fields = mt_get_custom_fields( 'receipt' );
$output = '';
foreach ( $custom_fields as $name => $field ) {
if ( false === $custom_field || $custom_field === $name ) {
$data = get_post_meta( $payment_id, $name );
* Customize the display of a custom field.
* @hook mt_custom_display_field
* @param {string} $return Return value of the field.
* @param {mixed} $data Value stored in post meta.
* @param {string} $name Field name.
* @return {string}
$return = apply_filters( 'mt_custom_display_field', '', $data, $name );
if ( '' === $return ) {
foreach ( $data as $d ) {
if ( ! isset( $field['display_callback'] ) ) {
$display_value = stripslashes( $d[ $name ] );
} else {
$display_value = call_user_func( $field['display_callback'], $d[ $name ], 'payment', $field );
if ( '' !== $display_value ) {
$event_title = get_the_title( $d['event_id'] );
$output .= apply_filters( 'mt_custom_data_format_output', "<p><strong>$event_title</strong>:<br />$field[title] - $display_value</p>", $payment_id, $custom_field );
} else {
$output .= $return;
return $output;