* Add to Cart form.
* @category Core
* @package My Tickets
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/my-tickets/
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Exit if accessed directly.
* Appends a registration form to post content for posts with defined event data.
* @uses function mt_add_to_cart_form();
* @param string $content Post Content.
* @return string
function mt_add_to_cart_form_post( $content ) {
$options = mt_get_settings();
global $post;
$only_singular = $options['mt_singular'];
if ( $only_singular && ! is_singular( $options['mt_post_types'] ) ) {
return $content;
if ( in_array( get_post_type( $post ), $options['mt_post_types'], true ) ) {
$event = $post->ID;
if ( get_post_meta( $event, '_mc_event_data', true ) ) {
$content = mt_add_to_cart_form( $content, $event );
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'mt_add_to_cart_form_post', 50, 1 ); // after wpautop.
* Test whether a price set for an event has any tickets available for purchase.
* @param array $pricing Events pricing array.
* @return bool
function mt_has_tickets( $pricing ) {
$return = false;
if ( is_array( $pricing ) ) {
foreach ( $pricing as $options ) {
$tickets = (int) $options['tickets'];
if ( $tickets > 0 ) {
$return = true;
return $return;
return false;
* Check add to cart form exit conditions. Returns the event registration array if all conditions pass.
* @param int $event_id Event post ID.
* @param bool $override Is the add to cart form output being overridden.
* @return bool|array
function mt_check_early_returns( $event_id, $override ) {
$options = mt_get_settings();
$purchase_page = $options['mt_purchase_page'];
$receipt_page = $options['mt_receipt_page'];
$tickets_page = $options['mt_tickets_page'];
if ( is_page( $purchase_page ) || is_page( $receipt_page ) || is_page( $tickets_page ) || ! $event_id ) {
return array(
'continue' => false,
'reason' => __( 'The required purchase, receipt, and ticket pages do not all exist.', 'my-tickets' ),
$only_singular = $options['mt_singular'];
if ( $only_singular && ! is_singular( $options['mt_post_types'] ) ) {
return array(
'continue' => false,
'reason' => __( 'Tickets are only sold on singular pages, and this is not an enabled singular post type.', 'my-tickets' ),
if ( 'mc-events' === get_post_type( $event_id ) ) {
$sell = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_sell_tickets', true );
if ( ! $sell || 'false' === $sell ) {
return array(
'continue' => false,
'reason' => __( 'This option to sell tickets is not enabled for this post.', 'my-tickets' ),
if ( 'true' === get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_hide_registration_form', true ) && false === $override ) {
return array(
'continue' => false,
'reason' => __( 'The option to hide the default registration form is enabled. Use the shortcode for display.', 'my-tickets' ),
$registration = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_registration_options', true );
// if no 'total' is set at all, this is not an event with tickets.
if ( empty( $registration['prices'] ) ) {
return array(
'continue' => false,
'reason' => __( 'This post does not have any pricing information.', 'my-tickets' ),
// if total is set to inherit, but any ticket class has no defined number of tickets available, return. '0' is a valid number of tickets, '' is not.
if ( ( isset( $registration['total'] ) && 'inherit' === $registration['total'] ) && 'general' !== $registration['counting_method'] && ! mt_has_tickets( $registration['prices'] ) ) {
return array(
'continue' => false,
'reason' => __( 'The total number of tickets is inherited from the child ticket types, but a ticket class does not have a number of tickets set.', 'my-tickets' ),
// if total number of tickets is set but is an empty string or is not set; return.
if ( ( isset( $registration['total'] ) && '' === trim( $registration['total'] ) ) || ! isset( $registration['total'] ) ) {
return array(
'continue' => false,
'reason' => __( 'The total number of tickets is either not set or is an empty value.', 'my-tickets' ),
return $registration;
* Generates event registration form.
* @param string $content Page content.
* @param bool|int|object $event If boolean, exit.
* @param string $view Type of view for context.
* @param string $time Time view being displayed.
* @param bool $override Don't display.
* @param bool|array $group If grouped display, array with first and last IDs.
* @return string
function mt_add_to_cart_form( $content, $event = false, $view = 'calendar', $time = 'month', $override = false, $group = false ) {
$options = mt_get_settings();
$event_id = ( is_object( $event ) ) ? $event->event_post : $event;
$continue = mt_check_early_returns( $event_id, $override );
$continue_response = isset( $continue['continue'] ) ? false : true;
if ( ! $continue_response ) {
if ( MT_DEBUG ) {
$content = $content . $continue['reason'];
return $content;
} else {
$registration = $continue;
$form = '';
$sold_out = '';
$has_tickets = '';
$output = '';
$expired = mt_event_expired( $event_id, true );
$no_postal = mt_no_postal( $event_id );
if ( $no_postal && 1 === count( $options['mt_ticketing'] ) && in_array( 'postal', $options['mt_ticketing'], true ) && ! ( current_user_can( 'mt-order-expired' ) || current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) ) {
$expired = true;
* Filter to set whether the 'add to cart' form should be visible when the engagement is sold out.
* @hook mt_show_form_when_soldout
* @param {bool} $show Whether to show the form. Default false.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID for event displayed.
* @return {bool}
$show_form_when_soldout = apply_filters( 'mt_show_form_when_soldout', true, $event_id );
$handling_notice = '';
if ( ! $expired ) {
if ( is_array( $registration ) ) {
$pricing = $registration['prices'];
$nonce = wp_nonce_field( 'mt-cart-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false );
if ( isset( $_GET['mc_id'] ) ) {
$mc_id = (int) $_GET['mc_id'];
$permalink = add_query_arg( 'mc_id', $mc_id, get_the_permalink() );
} else {
// This permalink is to the current page, not to the event permalink.
$permalink = get_the_permalink();
if ( is_array( $pricing ) ) {
* Filter default number of tickets considered available under General Admission. General Admission uses a floating value of available tickets, so there's no real limit; this value does limit the number of tickets that can be purchased at once, however.
* @hook mt_default_available
* @param {int} $default_available Number of tickets available.
* @param {array} $registration Ticketing rules for this event.
* @return {int}
$default_available = apply_filters( 'mt_default_available', 100, $registration );
$available = ( 'general' === $registration['counting_method'] ) ? $default_available : $registration['total'];
$tickets_data = mt_check_inventory( $event_id );
$tickets_remaining = ( 'general' === $registration['counting_method'] ) ? $default_available : mt_check_inventory( $event_id )['available'];
$tickets_sold = $tickets_data['sold'];
* Filter when online ticket sales should close based on availability. Default 0; sales close when sold out.
* @hook mt_tickets_close_value
* @param {int} $tickets_close_value Number of tickets remaining that triggers sold out condition.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @param {array} $tickets_data Data about sold and available tickets.
* @return {int}
$close_value = apply_filters( 'mt_tickets_close_value', 0, $event_id, $tickets_data );
if ( $tickets_remaining && $tickets_remaining > $close_value || $show_form_when_soldout ) {
$sold_out = false;
$total_order = 0;
$rows = array();
foreach ( $pricing as $type => $ticket_type ) {
$row = mt_ticket_row( $event_id, $registration, $ticket_type, $type, $available, $tickets_remaining );
if ( $row ) {
$form_key = $row['form_key'];
$rows[ $form_key ] = $row;
// Auto sort by date if event type.
if ( 'event' === $registration['counting_method'] ) {
ksort( $rows );
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$form .= $row['form'];
$handling_notice = $row['handling'];
$total_order += (int) $row['value'];
$has_tickets = $row['has_tickets'];
} else {
if ( 0 >= $tickets_remaining ) {
$sold_out = true;
} else {
$output = '<p>' . mt_tickets_remaining( $tickets_data, $event_id ) . '</p>';
$remaining_notice = mt_remaining_tickets_notice( $event_id, $available, $tickets_remaining );
// Translators: link to shopping cart/checkout.
$in_cart = ( mt_in_cart( $event_id ) ) ? '<p class="my-tickets-in-cart">' . sprintf( __( 'Tickets for this event are in your cart. <a href="%s">Checkout</a>', 'my-tickets' ), mt_get_cart_url() ) . '</p>' : '';
if ( true === $has_tickets || $show_form_when_soldout ) {
$closing_time = ( 'event' !== $registration['counting_method'] ) ? mt_sales_close( $event_id, $registration['reg_expires'] ) : '';
$no_post = ( $no_postal && in_array( 'postal', array_keys( $options['mt_ticketing'] ), true ) ) ? "<p class='mt-no-post'>" . apply_filters( 'mt_cannot_send_by_email_text', __( 'Tickets for this event cannot be sent by mail.', 'my-tickets' ) ) . '</p>' : '';
$legend = ( 'registration' === $registration['sales_type'] ) ? __( 'Register', 'my-tickets' ) : __( 'Buy Tickets', 'my-tickets' );
$legend = apply_filters( 'mt_button_legend_text', $legend, $registration );
$disabled = ( $total_order > $tickets_remaining ) ? " disabled='disabled'" : '';
* Filter hidden fields added to My Tickets add to cart form.
* @hook mt_add_to_cart_hidden_fields
* @param {string} $hidden HTML output. Default empty.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @return {string}
$hidden = apply_filters( 'mt_add_to_cart_hidden_fields', '', $event_id );
* Filter visible fields added to My Tickets add to cart form. Inserted between standard fields and submit button.
* @hook mt_add_to_cart_fields
* @param {string} $fields HTML output. Default empty.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @return {string}
$fields = apply_filters( 'mt_add_to_cart_fields', '', $event_id );
$output = "
<div class='mt-order my-tickets'>
<div class='mt-response' id='mt-response-$event_id' aria-live='assertive'></div>
<form action='" . esc_url( $permalink ) . "' method='POST' class='ticket-orders' id='order-tickets'>
<input type='hidden' name='mt_event_id' value='$event_id' />" . $hidden . "
$fields" . "<p>
<button type='submit' name='mt_add_to_cart'" . $disabled . '>' . apply_filters( 'mt_add_to_cart_text', __( 'Add to Cart', 'my-tickets' ) ) . "<span class='mt-processing'><img src='" . admin_url( 'images/spinner-2x.gif' ) . "' alt='" . __( 'Working', 'my-tickets' ) . "' /></span></button>
<input type='hidden' name='my-tickets' value='true' />
} else {
$registration = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_registration_options', true );
$tickets_remaining = mt_check_inventory( $event_id );
$tickets_remain_text = mt_tickets_remaining( $tickets_remaining, $event_id );
$sales_closed = ( 'registration' === $registration['sales_type'] ) ? __( 'Online registration for this event is closed', 'my-tickets' ) : __( 'Online ticket sales for this event are closed.', 'my-tickets' );
$output = "<div class='mt-order mt-closed'><p>" . apply_filters( 'mt_sales_closed', $sales_closed ) . "$tickets_remain_text</p></div>";
if ( true === $sold_out && $tickets_sold > 0 ) {
$tickets_soldout = ( 'registration' === $registration['sales_type'] ) ? __( 'Registration for this event is full', 'my-tickets' ) : __( 'Tickets for this event are sold out.', 'my-tickets' );
$soldout_banner = "<div class='mt-order mt-soldout'><p>" . apply_filters( 'mt_tickets_soldout', $tickets_soldout ) . '</p></div>';
if ( $show_form_when_soldout ) {
$output = $soldout_banner . $output;
} else {
$output = $soldout_banner;
* Append additional content to the tickets sold out notification.
* @hook mt_tickets_soldout_content
* @param {string} $output HTML output; default empty string.
* @param {int} $event_id
* @param {array} $registration Registration data for event.
* @return {string}
$output .= apply_filters( 'mt_tickets_soldout_content', '', $event_id, $registration );
$soldout = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_event_soldout', true );
if ( 'true' !== $soldout ) {
update_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_event_soldout', 'true' );
// Check event types for individual expirations.
mt_handle_expiration_status( $event_id );
do_action( 'mt_event_sold_out', $event_id, $registration, 'soldout' );
return $content . $output;
add_filter( 'mc_after_event', 'mt_add_to_cart_form', 5, 4 );
* Format a date for display.
* @param string $date Date string.
* @return string
function mt_format_date( $date ) {
* Filter the date format used in add to cart and cart.
* @hook mt_cart_date_format
* @param {string} $date_format Default from WordPress settings.
* @return {string}
$date_format = apply_filters( 'mt_cart_date_format', get_option( 'date_format' ) );
* Filter the time format used in add to cart and cart.
* @hook mt_cart_time_format
* @param {string} $time_format Default from WordPress settings.
* @return {string}
$time_format = apply_filters( 'mt_cart_time_format', get_option( 'time_format' ) );
$date_string = mt_date( $date_format, strtotime( $date ), false );
$time_string = mt_date( $time_format, strtotime( $date ), false );
return '<strong>' . $date_string . '</strong><span>, </span>' . $time_string;
* Get closing time for a ticket type.
* @param array $ticket_type Characteristics of this ticket type.
* @param array $registration Registration characteristics for event.
* @return int
function mt_get_ticket_type_close( $ticket_type, $registration ) {
$stop = (int) $registration['reg_expires'] * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
$method = $registration['counting_method'];
if ( 'event' === $method ) {
// Event occurrence date/time - amount of time.
$close = strtotime( $ticket_type['label'] ) - $stop;
} else {
// The 'close' is a custom value, offset by the stop value.
$close = ( isset( $ticket_type['close'] ) && ! empty( $ticket_type['close'] ) ) ? $ticket_type['close'] + $stop : '';
return (int) $close;
* Get original list price for an event.
* @param int $event_id An event Post ID.
* @param string $type A ticket type key.
* @return float
function mt_get_original_ticket_price( $event_id, $type ) {
$registration = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_registration_options', true );
$prices = $registration['prices'];
$ticket_type = $prices[ $type ];
$price = $ticket_type['price'];
return $price;
* Generate a single row in the add to cart form.
* @param int $event_id Event post ID.
* @param array $registration Registration settings for this event.
* @param array $ticket_type Settings for this row.
* @param string $type Type of ticket.
* @param int|string $available Number of tickets available or 'inherit'.
* @param int $tickets_remaining Number of tickets left for purchase.
* @return array|bool 'false' if ticket is not purchaseable.
function mt_ticket_row( $event_id, $registration, $ticket_type, $type, $available, $tickets_remaining ) {
$options = mt_get_settings();
$pricing = $registration['prices'];
$cart_data = mt_in_cart( $event_id );
if ( ! is_array( $cart_data ) ) {
$cart_data = '';
// if multiple != true, use checkboxes.
$input_type = ( isset( $registration['multiple'] ) && 'true' === $registration['multiple'] ) ? 'number' : 'checkbox';
$class = 'mt-available';
$form = '';
* Filter value data about a specific type of ticket.
* @hook mt_ticket_settings
* @param {array} $ticket_type Price and availability for a ticket type.
* @param {array} $pricing Full pricing array being iterated.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @param {string} $type Current ticket type.
$ticket_type = apply_filters( 'mt_ticket_settings', $ticket_type, $pricing, $event_id, $type );
if ( ! mt_can_order( $type ) ) {
return false;
$extra_label = '';
if ( mt_admin_only( $type ) ) {
$extra_label = ' <span class="mt-admin-only">(' . __( 'Administrators only', 'my-tickets' ) . ')</span>';
* Add additional labeling appended to ticket type information.
* @hook mt_extra_label
* @param {string} $extra_label Default empty string; 'Administrators only' for complimentary tickets.
* @param {int|object} $event Event post ID.
* @param {string} $type Ticket type.
* @return {string}
$extra_label = apply_filters( 'mt_extra_label', $extra_label, $event_id, $type );
if ( $type ) {
if ( ! isset( $ticket_type['price'] ) ) {
return false;
$price = mt_calculate_discount( $ticket_type['price'], $event_id );
$price = mt_handling_price( $price, $event_id, $type );
* Format a numeric string as money.
* @hook mt_money_format
* @param {string|float} $price Original numeric value to format using current selected currency and structure.
* @return {string}
$price = apply_filters( 'mt_money_format', $price );
* Filter ticket handling price.
* @hook mt_ticket_handling_price
* @param {string} $ticket_handling Handling price from settings.
* @param {int}object} $event Event post ID.
* @param {string} $type Ticket type.
$ticket_handling = apply_filters( 'mt_ticket_handling_price', $options['mt_ticket_handling'], $event_id, $type );
$handling_notice = mt_handling_notice();
* Filter the displayed ticket price.
* @hook mt_ticket_price_label
* @param {string} $price Formatted price.
* @param {string|float} $original_price Unformatted price.
* @param {string|float} $ticket_handling Ticket handling charge amount.
* @return {string}
$ticket_price_label = '<span class="mt-ticket-price">' . apply_filters( 'mt_ticket_price_label', $price, $ticket_type['price'], $ticket_handling ) . '</span>';
* Filter the default ticket input value. Sets the default number of tickets to order.
* @hook mt_cart_default_value
* @param {int} $value Default numeric value. Default '0'.
* @param {string} $type Ticket type displayed.
* @return {string}
$default_cart_value = apply_filters( 'mt_cart_default_value', '0', $type );
$value = ( is_array( $cart_data ) && isset( $cart_data[ $type ] ) ) ? $cart_data[ $type ] : $default_cart_value;
$value = ( '' === $value ) ? 0 : (int) $value;
$order_value = $value;
$attributes = '';
$close = mt_get_ticket_type_close( $ticket_type, $registration );
$type_sales_closed = false;
$closure = '';
if ( $close && ( $close - mt_date() ) < DAY_IN_SECONDS ) {
$show_closed = ( 'true' === $options['mt_show_closed'] ) ? 'show' : 'hide';
* Filter whether a ticket type that has closed will be shown for an event.
* @hook mt_ticket_type_sales_closed
* @param {string} $show_closed 'hide' or 'show'.
* @param {int} $event_id ID for currently displayed post.
* @return {string}
$ticket_type_sales_closed_behavior = apply_filters( 'mt_ticket_type_sales_closed', $show_closed, $event_id );
if ( 'hide' === $ticket_type_sales_closed_behavior && $close < mt_date() ) {
// If this ticket type is no longer available, skip.
return false;
} else {
if ( 'event' === $registration['counting_method'] ) {
$type_sales_closed = ( $close < mt_date() ) ? true : false;
if ( ( $close - mt_date() ) < DAY_IN_SECONDS ) {
$window = human_time_diff( $close, mt_date() );
// translators: amount of time before sales close. Uses human_time_diff().
$closure = ( $type_sales_closed ) ? __( 'Online sales are closed', 'my-tickets' ) : sprintf( __( 'Online sales close in %s', 'my-tickets' ), $window );
} else {
$type_sales_closed = true;
// translators: Date ticket sales closed.
$closure = sprintf( __( 'Online sales closed %s', 'my-tickets' ), date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), $close ) );
if ( $type_sales_closed ) {
mt_handle_ticket_type_expired( $event_id, $type );
if ( 'checkbox' === $input_type || 'radio' === $input_type ) {
if ( 1 === $value ) {
$attributes = " checked='checked'";
$value = 1;
$order_value = 0;
$button_up = ( 'number' === $input_type ) ? '<button type="button" class="mt-increment"><span class="dashicons dashicons-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Add one', 'my-tickets' ) . '</span></button>' : '';
$button_down = ( 'number' === $input_type ) ? '<button type="button" class="mt-decrement"><span class="dashicons dashicons-minus" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Remove one', 'my-tickets' ) . '</span></button>' : '';
if ( 'inherit' === $available ) {
$inventory = mt_check_inventory( $event_id, $type );
$tickets = absint( $ticket_type['tickets'] );
$label = ( 'event' === $registration['counting_method'] ) ? mt_format_date( $ticket_type['label'] ) : $ticket_type['label'];
$form_key = ( 'event' === $registration['counting_method'] ) ? strtotime( strip_tags( $label ) ) : sanitize_key( strip_tags( $label ) );
$remaining = $inventory['available'];
if ( $remaining < 1 ) {
$remaining = 0;
* Filter maximum sale per event. Limits number of tickets that can be purchased at a time.
* @hook mt_max_sale_per_event
* @param {bool} $max_limit Default false.
* @return {bool|int} Number of tickets that can be purchased at once or false.
$max_limit = apply_filters( 'mt_max_sale_per_event', false );
if ( $max_limit ) {
$max = ( $max_limit > $remaining ) ? $remaining : $max_limit;
} else {
$max = $remaining;
$disable = ( $remaining < 1 || $type_sales_closed ) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
if ( '' === $attributes ) {
$attributes = " min='0' max='$max' inputmode='numeric' pattern='[0-9]*'";
if ( 0 === $remaining || $type_sales_closed ) {
$attributes .= ' readonly="readonly"';
$button_up = str_replace( 'type="button"', 'type="button" disabled', $button_up );
$button_down = str_replace( 'type="button"', 'type="button" disabled', $button_down );
$class = ( $type_sales_closed ) ? 'mt-sales-closed' : 'mt-sold-out';
} else {
$class = 'mt-available';
$form = "<div class='mt-ticket-field mt-ticket-$type $class'><label for='mt_tickets_$type" . '_' . "$event_id' id='mt_tickets_label_$type" . '_' . "$event_id'>" . $label . $extra_label . '</label>';
* Filter the add to cart input field.
* @hook mt_add_to_cart_input
* @param {string} $input Default input form field.
* @param {string} $input_type Type of input requested.
* @param {int} $value Default value set.
* @param {string} $attributes String of field attributes provided for input.
* @param {string} $disable Attribute to set field as disabled.
* @param {int} $max Max value allowed.
* @param {int} $available Number of tickets available.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @return {string}
$form .= '<div class="mt-ticket-input">' . apply_filters(
"<input type='$input_type' name='mt_tickets[$type]' id='mt_tickets_$type" . '_' . "$event_id' class='tickets_field' value='$value' $attributes aria-labelledby='mt_tickets_label_$type" . '_' . $event_id . " mt_tickets_data_$type'$disable />$button_up$button_down",
) . '</div>';
$hide_remaining = mt_hide_remaining( $remaining );
$remaining_text = $ticket_price_label . sprintf(
* Filter the string describing the number of tickets remaining as a fraction.
* @hook mt_tickets_available_discrete_text
* @param {string} $default_text Original available tickets text.
* @param {int} $remaining Number of tickets remaining.
* @param {int} $tickets Number of tickets available.
* @return {string}
// Translators: 1) Opening span tag; 2) number remaining as fraction e.g. 2/40, 3) closing span tag..
__( '%1$s %2$s remaining%3$s', 'my-tickets' ),
'<span class="tickets-remaining">',
"<span class='value remaining-tickets'>" . $remaining . "</span><span class='separator'>/</span><span class='ticket-count'>" . $tickets . '</span>',
$available_text = $ticket_price_label . sprintf(
* Filter the string describing the number of tickets available as a number.
* @hook mt_tickets_available_discrete_text
* @param {string} $default_text Original available tickets text.
* @param {int} $remaining Number of tickets remaining.
* @param {int} $tickets Number of tickets available.
* @return {string}
// Translators: 1) opening span; 2) number remaining as integer, 3) closing span tag.
__( '%1$s %2$s available%3$s', 'my-tickets' ),
'<span class="tickets-remaining tickets-available">',
"<span class='value available-tickets'>" . $remaining . '</span>',
if ( 'proportion' === $options['mt_display_remaining'] ) {
$display_text = $remaining_text;
} else {
$display_text = $available_text;
* Append text after the 'remaining tickets' text in the cart form.
* @hook mt_after_remaining_text
* @param {string} $remaining Additional text. Default empty.
* @param {int} $event_id Current event ID.
* @param {string} $type Ticket type displayed.
* @param {int} $tickets_remaining. Number of tickets left.
$display_text .= apply_filters( 'mt_after_remaining_text', '', $event_id, $type, $tickets_remaining );
$form .= "<div id='mt_tickets_data_$type' class='ticket-pricing$hide_remaining'>" . $display_text . '<span class="mt-closure-date">' . $closure . '</span></div>';
$form .= "<span class='mt-error-notice' aria-live='assertive'></span></div>";
} else {
$remaining = $tickets_remaining;
if ( '' === $attributes ) {
$attributes = " min='0' max='$remaining'";
if ( 0 === $remaining ) {
$attributes .= ' readonly="readonly"';
$class = 'mt-sold-out';
* Filter whether the price should be shown in the label or as an aria-described field after the input.
* @hook mt_price_in_label
* @param {false} $price_in_label Default false.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @return {bool}
$price_in_label = apply_filters( 'mt_price_in_label', false, $event_id );
$price_class = ( $price_in_label ) ? 'mt-price-in-label' : '';
$price = "<span id='mt_tickets_data_$type'>$ticket_price_label</span>";
$label_price = ( $price_in_label ) ? ' <span class="mt-label-price">' . strip_tags( $price ) . '</span>' : '';
$post_price = ( ! $price_in_label ) ? $price : '';
$form_key = $type;
$form .= "<div class='mt-ticket-field mt-ticket-$type $class $price_class'><label for='mt_tickets_$type" . '_' . "$event_id' id='mt_tickets_label_$type" . '_' . "$event_id'>" . esc_attr( $ticket_type['label'] ) . $extra_label . $label_price . '</label>';
$form .= '<div class="mt-ticket-input">' . apply_filters(
"<input type='$input_type' name='mt_tickets[$type]' $attributes id='mt_tickets_$type" . '_' . "$event_id' class='tickets_field' value='$value' aria-labelledby='mt_tickets_label_$type" . '_' . $event_id . " mt_tickets_data_$type' />$button_up$button_down",
) . '</div>';
$form .= $post_price . "<span class='mt-error-notice' aria-live='assertive'></span></div>";
$has_tickets = true;
return array(
'form_key' => $form_key,
'form' => $form,
'value' => $order_value,
'has_tickets' => $has_tickets,
'handling' => $handling_notice,
* Return the remaining tickets notice for an event.
* @param int $event_id Event post ID.
* @param string|int $available Number of tickets available or type of availability if inherited.
* @param int $tickets_remaining Number of tickets remaining.
* @return string
function mt_remaining_tickets_notice( $event_id, $available, $tickets_remaining ) {
$remaining_notice = '';
if ( 'inherit' !== $available ) {
// If this event is general admission, then never show number of tickets remaining or status.
$data = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mc_event_data', true );
if ( isset( $data['general_admission'] ) && 'on' === $data['general_admission'] ) {
$hide_remaining = ' hiding';
} else {
$hide_remaining = mt_hide_remaining( $tickets_remaining );
// Translators: tickets remaining.
$remaining_continuous_text = __( '%s tickets remaining.', 'my-tickets' );
* Filter tickets remaining text for continuously sold events.
* @hook mt_tickets_remaining_continuous_text
* @param {string} $remaining_continuous_text Default text.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @return {string}
$remaining_continuous_text = apply_filters( 'mt_tickets_remaining_continuous_text', $remaining_continuous_text, $event_id );
$remaining_notice = '<p class="tickets-remaining' . $hide_remaining . '">' . sprintf( $remaining_continuous_text, "<span class='value'>" . $tickets_remaining . '</span>' ) . '</p>';
return $remaining_notice;
* Get current status of an event.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
* @return string
function mt_event_status( $event_id = false ) {
// Exit conditions.
$options = mt_get_settings();
$purchase_page = $options['mt_purchase_page'];
$receipt_page = $options['mt_receipt_page'];
$tickets_page = $options['mt_tickets_page'];
if ( is_page( $purchase_page ) || is_page( $receipt_page ) || is_page( $tickets_page ) ) {
return '';
if ( ! $event_id ) {
return '';
if ( 'mc-events' === get_post_type( $event_id ) ) {
$sell = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_sell_tickets', true );
if ( ! $sell || 'false' === $sell ) {
return '';
if ( 'true' === get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_hide_registration_form', true ) ) {
return '';
$registration = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_registration_options', true );
// if no 'total' is set at all, this is not an event with tickets.
if ( empty( $registration['prices'] ) ) {
return '';
// if total is set to inherit, but any ticket class has no defined number of tickets available, return. '0' is a valid number of tickets, '' is not.
if ( ( isset( $registration['total'] ) && 'inherit' === $registration['total'] ) && ! mt_has_tickets( $registration['prices'] ) ) {
return '';
// if total number of tickets is set but is an empty string or is not set; return.
if ( ( isset( $registration['total'] ) && '' === trim( $registration['total'] ) ) || ! isset( $registration['total'] ) ) {
return '';
// If this event is general admission, then never show number of tickets remaining or status.
$data = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mc_event_data', true );
if ( isset( $data['general_admission'] ) && 'on' === $data['general_admission'] ) {
return '';
$expired = ( mt_event_expired( $event_id ) ) ? __( 'Sales closed', 'my-tickets' ) : '';
$registration = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mt_registration_options', true );
$tickets_remaining = mt_check_inventory( $event_id );
// Translators: Number of tickets remaining.
$remaining = ( 0 >= $tickets_remaining['available'] ) ? $expired : sprintf( __( '%s tickets remaining', 'my-tickets' ), '<strong>' . $tickets_remaining['available'] . '</strong>' );
$sold_out = ( 0 >= $tickets_remaining['available'] ) ? __( 'Sold out', 'my-tickets' ) : $remaining;
return $sold_out;
* Figure out whether tickets remaining should be hidden.
* @param int $tickets_remaining Number of tickets remaining.
* @return string
function mt_hide_remaining( $tickets_remaining ) {
$options = mt_get_settings();
// If hide remaining is enabled, set as hidden.
$remaining_limit = isset( $options['mt_hide_remaining_limit'] ) ? absint( $options['mt_hide_remaining_limit'] ) : 0;
$hide_remaining = ( isset( $options['mt_hide_remaining'] ) && 'true' === $options['mt_hide_remaining'] ) ? true : false;
// Hide this if 1) tickets remaining is hidden & limit is 0 or 2) tickets remaining is hidden and there are more tickets left than the limit.
$hidden_class = ( ( $hide_remaining && ! $remaining_limit ) || ( $hide_remaining && $tickets_remaining > $remaining_limit ) ) ? ' hiding' : '';
return $hidden_class;
* Test whether the current ticket type is admin-only
* @param string $type Type of ticket being used.
* @return boolean
function mt_admin_only( $type ) {
if ( ( 'complementary' === $type || 'complimentary' === $type ) ) {
return true;
* Set a ticket type as only available to administrators. Return true to hide ticket types from the public.
* @hook mt_admin_only_ticket
* @param {false} $admin_only False to indicate a ticket type is available to the public.
* @param {string} $type Ticket type key.
* @return {bool}
return apply_filters( 'mt_admin_only_ticket', false, $type );
* Test whether the current user can order the current ticket type.
* @param string $type Type of ticket being handled.
* @return bool
function mt_can_order( $type ) {
if ( ! mt_admin_only( $type ) ) {
return true;
$comps = ( current_user_can( 'mt-order-comps' ) || current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) ? true : false;
if ( mt_admin_only( $type ) && $comps ) {
return true;
return false;
* Produce notice about tickets remaining after sales are closed.
* @param array $tickets_data array of ticket sales data.
* @param integer $event_id Event ID.
* @return string Notice
function mt_tickets_remaining( $tickets_data, $event_id ) {
$tickets_remaining = $tickets_data['available'];
* Filter when online ticket sales should close based on availability. Default 0; sales close when sold out.
* @hook mt_tickets_close_value
* @param {int} $tickets_close_value Number of tickets remaining that triggers sold out condition.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @param {array} $tickets_data Data about sold and available tickets.
* @return {int}
$close_value = apply_filters( 'mt_tickets_close_value', 0, $event_id, $tickets_data );
if ( $tickets_remaining && $tickets_remaining > $close_value ) {
$tickets_remain_text = '';
} else {
if ( $tickets_remaining > 0 ) {
// Translators: number of tickets available.
$remaining_string = _n( 'Online sales are closed, but there is still %d ticket available at the box office!', 'Online sales are closed, but there are still %d tickets available at the box office!', $tickets_remaining, 'my-tickets' );
* Filter the text used to indicate that tickets are remaining after sales have closed.
* @hook mt_tickets_still_remaining_text
* @param {string} $remaining_string Default text.
* @param {int} $tickets_remaining Number of tickets remaining.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @return {string}
$remaining_string = apply_filters( 'mt_tickets_still_remaining_text', $remaining_string );
$tickets_remain_text = ' ' . sprintf( $remaining_string, $tickets_remaining, $event_id );
} else {
$tickets_remain_text = '';
return $tickets_remain_text;
add_filter( 'mt_tickets_close_value', 'mt_close_ticket_sales', 10, 3 );
* Customize when events will close for ticket sales, to reserve some tickets for door sales.
* @param integer $limit Point where ticket sales will close. Default: 0.
* @param integer $event_id Event ID, in case somebody wanted some further customization.
* @param array $remaining remaining, sold, and total tickets available.
* @return integer new value where ticket sales are closed for an event.
function mt_close_ticket_sales( $limit, $event_id, $remaining ) {
$options = mt_get_settings();
$tickets_close_at = ( isset( $options['mt_tickets_close_value'] ) && is_numeric( $options['mt_tickets_close_value'] ) ) ? $options['mt_tickets_close_value'] : 0;
$tickets_close_type = ( isset( $options['mt_tickets_close_type'] ) ) ? $options['mt_tickets_close_type'] : 'integer';
switch ( $tickets_close_type ) {
case 'integer':
$limit = $tickets_close_at;
case 'percent':
$limit = round( ( $tickets_close_at / 100 ) * $remaining['total'] );
* Filter the number of remaining tickets that trigger automatic closing of online ticket sales.
* @hook mt_custom_event_limit
* @param {int} $limit Number of tickets that cause an event to be sold out.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @param {array} $remaining Array of information about the number of tickets remaining.
* @return {int}
return apply_filters( 'mt_custom_event_limit', $limit, $event_id, $remaining );
* Produce price if a per-ticket handling charge is being applied.
* @param float $price Original price without handling.
* @param integer $event Event ID.
* @param string $type Public or admin ticket type.
* @return float new price
function mt_handling_price( $price, $event, $type = 'standard' ) {
// correction for an early mipselling.
if ( mt_admin_only( $type ) ) {
return $price; // no handling on complimentary tickets.
$options = mt_get_settings();
if ( isset( $options['mt_ticket_handling'] ) && is_numeric( $options['mt_ticket_handling'] ) ) {
* Filter the amount charged for ticket handling on a particular event.
* @hook mt_ticket_handling_price
* @param {float} $mt_ticket_handling Amount saved in settings for event handling.
* @param {int} $event Event ID.
* @return {float}
$price = $price + apply_filters( 'mt_ticket_handling_price', $options['mt_ticket_handling'], $event );
return $price;
* Produce notice if a per-ticket handling charge is being applied.
* @return string handling notice
function mt_handling_notice() {
$options = mt_get_settings();
if ( isset( $options['mt_ticket_handling'] ) && is_numeric( $options['mt_ticket_handling'] ) && $options['mt_ticket_handling'] > 0 ) {
// Translators: amount of ticket handling charge.
$handling_string = __( 'Tickets include a %s ticket handling charge.', 'my-tickets' );
$money_formatted = apply_filters( 'mt_money_format', $options['mt_ticket_handling'] );
* Filter the string used to notify users about per-ticket handling charges.
* @hook mt_ticket_handling_notice
* @param {string} $handling_string Original notice.
* @param {string} $handling_charge Amount charged before formatting.
* @return {string}
$handling_notice = "<div class='mt-ticket-handling'>" . apply_filters( 'mt_ticket_handling_notice', sprintf( $handling_string, $money_formatted ), $options['mt_ticket_handling'] ) . '</div>';
} else {
$handling_notice = '';
return $handling_notice;
* Get the handling costs for a cart purchase.
* @param array $options Array of My Tickets options.
* @param string $gateway Currently selected gateway.
* @return float|int
function mt_get_cart_handling( $options, $gateway ) {
$handling = ( isset( $options['mt_handling'] ) ) ? $options['mt_handling'] : 0;
$original = $handling;
$ignored = ( isset( $options['mt_gateways'][ $gateway ]['mt_handling'] ) && 'true' === $options['mt_gateways'][ $gateway ]['mt_handling'] ) ? true : false;
if ( $ignored ) {
$handling = 0;
* Filter the handling ticket based on gateway selected.
* @hook mt_handling_total
* @param {float|int} $handling Cart handling fee after gateway settings applied.
* @param {float|int} $original Cart handling fee from settings.
* @param {string} $gateway Selected gateway.
* @return {float|int}
$handling = apply_filters( 'mt_handling_total', $handling, $original, $gateway );
$handling = ( is_numeric( $handling ) ) ? floatval( $handling ) : 0;
return $handling;
* Get closing date/time for event
* @param integer $event_id Event ID.
* @param string $expires Expiration time.
* @return string
function mt_sales_close( $event_id, $expires ) {
$event = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mc_event_data', true );
if ( $event && is_array( $event ) ) {
if ( isset( $event['general_admission'] ) && 'on' === $event['general_admission'] ) {
// Don't display closing information on General Admission events.
return '';
if ( isset( $event['event_begin'] ) && isset( $event['event_time'] ) ) {
$expiration = $expires * 60 * 60;
$begin = strtotime( $event['event_begin'] . ' ' . $event['event_time'] ) - $expiration;
if ( mt_date( 'Y-m-d', $begin ) === mt_date( 'Y-m-d', mt_current_time() ) ) {
// Translators: time that ticket sales close today.
$sales_close_text = __( 'Ticket sales close at %s today', 'my-tickets' );
* Filter the notification for when ticket sales will close.
* @hook mt_ticket_sales_close_text
* @param {string} $sales_close_text Original notice.
* @param {int} $event Event ID.
* @return {string}
$sales_close_text = apply_filters( 'mt_ticket_sales_close_text', $sales_close_text, $event );
return '<p>' . sprintf( $sales_close_text, '<strong>' . date_i18n( get_option( 'time_format' ), $begin ) . '</strong>' ) . '</p>';
return '';
* Test whether event can currently allow tickets to be shipped, given provided time frame for shipping in relation to event date/time.
* @param integer $event_id Event ID.
* @return bool
function mt_no_postal( $event_id ) {
$options = mt_get_settings();
$shipping_time = $options['mt_shipping_time'];
$event = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_mc_event_data', true );
$no_postal = false;
if ( $event && is_array( $event ) ) {
$date = ( isset( $event['event_begin'] ) ) ? $event['event_begin'] : false;
$time = ( isset( $event['event_time'] ) ) ? $event['event_time'] : false;
if ( is_numeric( $date ) && is_numeric( $time ) ) {
$event_date = strtotime( absint( $date . ' ' . $time ) );
$no_postal = ( $event_date <= ( mt_current_time() + ( 60 * 60 * 24 * $shipping_time ) ) ) ? true : false;
return $no_postal;
return $no_postal;
add_action( 'init', 'mt_add_to_cart' );
* Add event tickets to cart. (Non AJAX).
* @uses function mt_register_message.
function mt_add_to_cart() {
if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['mt_add_to_cart'] ) ) {
} else {
if ( isset( $_POST['mt_add_to_cart'] ) ) {
$nonce = $_POST['_wpnonce'];
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'mt-cart-nonce' ) ) {
if ( isset( $_GET['mt_add_to_cart'] ) ) {
$data = mt_get_data( 'cart' );
$event_id = intval( $_GET['event_id'] );
// todo: figure out how to set this up for mt_admin_only ticket types.
$type = ( isset( $_GET['ticket_type'] ) && ( 'complementary' !== $_GET['ticket_type'] && 'complimentary' !== $_GET['ticket_type'] ) ) ? sanitize_key( $_GET['ticket_type'] ) : false;
$count = isset( $_GET['count'] ) ? intval( $_GET['count'] ) : 1;
$options = ( $type ) ? array( $type => $count ) : false;
// Record into virtual inventory.
$cur_count = ( isset( $data[ $event_id ] ) ) ? $data[ $event_id ][ $type ] : 0;
$new_count = $count;
if ( $new_count > $cur_count ) {
$increment = ( $cur_count - $new_count );
} else {
$increment = ( $cur_count - $new_count ) * -1;
mt_update_inventory( $event_id, $type, $increment );
if ( $data ) {
$event_options = isset( $data[ $event_id ] ) && is_array( $data[ $event_id ] ) ? $data[ $event_id ] : array();
$options = array_merge( $event_options, $options );
} else {
$event_id = ( isset( $_POST['mt_event_id'] ) ) ? intval( $_POST['mt_event_id'] ) : false;
$options = ( isset( $_POST['mt_tickets'] ) ) ? array_map( 'absint', $_POST['mt_tickets'] ) : false;
$saved = ( false !== $options ) ? mt_save_data(
'event_id' => $event_id,
'options' => $options,
) : false;
if ( $saved ) {
mt_register_message( 'add_to_cart', 'success' );
} else {
mt_register_message( 'add_to_cart', 'error' );
* Register a message to be displayed following a cart or button action.
* @param string $context Current message context.
* @param string $type Message type.
* @param mixed boolean|integer $payment_id Payment ID.
* @return void
function mt_register_message( $context, $type, $payment_id = false ) {
global $mt_message;
$mt_message = mt_get_message( $context, $type, $payment_id );
* Fetch a message to be displayed following a cart or button action.
* @param string $context Current message context.
* @param string $type Message type.
* @param integer $payment_id Payment ID.
* @return string
function mt_get_message( $context, $type, $payment_id ) {
$context = esc_attr( $context );
$type = esc_attr( $type );
if ( 'add_to_cart' === $context ) {
$cart_url = mt_get_cart_url();
switch ( $type ) {
case 'success':
// Translators: cart URL.
$return = sprintf( __( 'Event successfully added to <a href="%s">your cart</a>.', 'my-tickets' ), $cart_url );
case 'error':
$return = __( 'That event could not be added to your cart.', 'my-tickets' );
case 'error-expired':
$return = __( 'Online ticket sales are no longer available for this event.', 'my-tickets' );
$return = '';
} elseif ( 'update_cart' === $context ) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'success':
$return = __( 'Cart Updated.', 'my-tickets' );
case 'error':
$return = __( 'Could not update your cart.', 'my-tickets' );
case 'error-expired':
$return = __( 'The event is no longer available for online ticket sales.', 'my-tickets' );
$return = '';
} elseif ( 'payment_due' === $context ) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'success':
if ( $payment_id ) {
$gateway = get_post_meta( $payment_id, '_gateway', true );
if ( 'offline' === $gateway ) {
wp_publish_post( $payment_id );
$return = __( 'Your ticket order has been submitted! Any payment due will be collected when you arrive at the event.', 'my-tickets' );
$return = '';
} elseif ( 'cart_submitted' === $context ) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'success':
$return = __( 'Cart Submitted.', 'my-tickets' );
case 'error':
$return = __( 'Could not submit your cart.', 'my-tickets' );
$return = '';
return apply_filters( 'mt_get_message_text', "<div class='$context $type mt-message'><p>$return</p></div>", $context, $type );
add_filter( 'the_content', 'mt_display_message' );
* Get registered message and display at top of content.
* @param string $content Post content.
* @return string
function mt_display_message( $content ) {
if ( isset( $_POST['my-tickets'] ) && is_main_query() ) {
global $mt_message;
return $mt_message . $content;
return $content;
* Update cart data. Special case application of mt_save_data.
* @param array $post Posted data.
* @return array
function mt_update_cart( $post = array() ) {
$cart = mt_get_cart();
if ( ! $cart ) {
$event_id = ( isset( $post['mt_event_id'] ) ) ? $post['mt_event_id'] : false;
$options = ( isset( $post['mt_tickets'] ) ) ? $post['mt_tickets'] : false;
$cart = array(
'event_id' => $event_id,
'options' => $options,
$updated = mt_save_data( $cart );
} else {
foreach ( $post as $id => $item ) {
if ( is_numeric( $id ) ) {
$cart_item = isset( $cart[ $id ] ) ? $cart[ $id ] : array();
$post_item = array();
if ( ! is_array( $item ) ) {
foreach ( $item as $type => $count ) {
$post_item[ $type ] = absint( $count['count'] );
$post_item = array_merge( $cart_item, $post_item );
if ( ! isset( $cart[ $id ] ) || ( $cart[ $id ] !== $post_item ) ) {
$cart[ $id ] = $post_item;
$has_contents = false;
// If any ticket type has a count, keep event in cart.
foreach ( $cart as $id => $type ) {
if ( is_array( $type ) ) {
foreach ( $type as $counted ) {
if ( 0 < (int) $counted ) {
$has_contents = true;
if ( ! $has_contents ) {
unset( $cart[ $id ] );
$updated = mt_save_data( $cart, 'cart', true );
return array(
'success' => $updated,
'cart' => $cart,
* Checks whether a given event is currently represented in user's cart.
* @param int $event_id event ID.
* @param int $user_ID user ID.
* @return bool|int
function mt_in_cart( $event_id, $user_ID = false ) {
$cart = mt_get_cart( $user_ID );
if ( isset( $cart[ $event_id ] ) ) {
return $cart[ $event_id ];
return false;