* My Calendar legacy template functions. Functions for templating replaced in version 3.5.
* Functions in this file are only executed if legacy templating is enabled.
* @category Templates
* @package My Calendar
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/my-calendar/
* Function to draw a single event.
* @param object $event Event object.
* @param string $type Type of view being drawn.
* @param string $process_date Current date being displayed.
* @param string $time Time view being drawn.
* @param string $template Template to use to draw event.
* @param string $id ID for the calendar calling this function.
* @param array $tags Event tags array.
* @return string
function mc_legacy_template_draw_event( $event, $type, $process_date, $time, $template = '', $id = '', $tags = array() ) {
// assign empty values to template sections.
$address = '';
$more = '';
$author = '';
$host = '';
$list_title = '';
$title = '';
$short = '';
$description = '';
$link = '';
$vcal = '';
$inner_title = '';
$gcal = '';
$access = '';
$image = '';
$tickets = '';
$details = '';
$tags = ( empty( $tags ) ) ? mc_create_tags( $event, $id ) : $tags;
$otype = ( 'calendar' === $type ) ? 'grid' : $type;
if ( mc_show_details( $time, $type ) ) {
* Filter My Calendar view output. Returning any content will shortcircuit drawing event output.
* @hook mc_custom_template
* @param {string|bool} $details Output HTML for event. Default boolean false.
* @param {array} $tags Event data array passed to template function.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @param {string} $type View type.
* @param {string} $process_date Current date being processed.
* @param {string} $time View timeframe.
* @param {string} $template Existing template.
* @return {string}
$details = apply_filters( 'mc_custom_template', false, $tags, $event, $type, $process_date, $time, $template );
* Filter My Calendar view template.
* @hook mc_use_custom_template
* @param {string} $template HTML with template tags.
* @param {array} $tags Event data array passed to template function.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @param {string} $type View type.
* @param {string} $process_date Current date being processed.
* @param {string} $time View timeframe.
* @return {string} Must have at least five characters or it will be ignored.
$template = apply_filters( 'mc_use_custom_template', $template, $tags, $event, $type, $process_date, $time );
if ( false === $details ) {
$details = wp_kses_post( mc_get_details( $tags, $template, $type ) );
// Set details to false if it has no content.
$details = ( '' === trim( wp_strip_all_tags( $details ) ) ) ? false : $details;
// Fallback display options. Changed in 3.3.0; fallback to old settings if new don't exist.
$no_old_options = ( '' === mc_get_option( 'display_' . $otype ) ) ? true : false;
$display_map = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_show_map' ) : '';
$display_address = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_show_address' ) : '';
$display_gcal = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_show_gcal' ) : '';
$display_vcal = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_show_event_vcal' ) : '';
$display_author = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_display_author' ) : '';
$display_host = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_display_host' ) : '';
$display_more = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_display_more' ) : '';
$display_desc = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_desc' ) : '';
$display_short = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_short' ) : '';
$display_gmap = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_gmap' ) : '';
$display_link = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_event_link' ) : '';
$display_image = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_image' ) : '';
$display_reg = ( $no_old_options ) ? get_option( 'mc_event_registration' ) : '';
$image = mc_category_icon( $event );
$image = ( $image ) ? $image . ' ' : '';
$img = '';
$data = array(
'event' => $event,
'process_date' => $process_date,
'time' => $time,
'id' => $id,
'tags' => $tags,
$close = '';
if ( mc_show_details( $time, $type ) ) {
* Filter list event heading level. Default 'h3'.
* @hook mc_heading_level_list
* @param {string} $hlevel Default heading level element.
* @param {string} $type View type.
* @param {string} $time View timeframe.
* @param {string} $template Current template.
* @return {string}
$hlevel = apply_filters( 'mc_heading_level_list', 'h3', $type, $time, $template );
if ( false === $details ) {
if ( ( 'true' === $display_address || 'true' === $display_map ) || ( mc_output_is_visible( 'address', $type, $event ) || mc_output_is_visible( 'gmap_link', $type, $event ) ) ) {
$show_add = ( 'true' === $display_address || mc_output_is_visible( 'address', $type, $event ) ) ? 'true' : 'false';
$show_map = ( 'true' === $display_map || mc_output_is_visible( 'gmap_link', $type, $event ) ) ? 'true' : 'false';
$address = mc_hcard( $event, $show_add, $show_map );
$time_html = mc_time_html( $event, $type );
if ( 'list' === $type ) {
if ( 'false' === mc_get_option( 'list_link_titles' ) ) {
$event_title = mc_draw_event_title( $event, $tags, 'list', $image );
$list_title = " <$hlevel class='event-title summary' id='mc_$event->occur_id-title-$id'>$image" . $event_title . "</$hlevel>\n";
if ( 'true' === $display_author || mc_output_is_visible( 'author', $type, $event ) ) {
$author = mc_template_user_card( $event, 'author' );
if ( 'true' === $display_host || mc_output_is_visible( 'host', $type, $event ) ) {
$host = mc_template_user_card( $event, 'host' );
$event_title = mc_draw_event_title( $event, $tags, $type, $image );
if ( ( 'true' === $display_more && ! isset( $_GET['mc_id'] ) ) || mc_output_is_visible( 'more', $type, $event ) ) {
$details_label = mc_get_details_label( $event, $data );
$permalink = mc_get_permalink( $event );
$aria = '';
// If the event title is already in the details label, omit ARIA.
if ( false === stripos( wp_strip_all_tags( $details_label ), wp_strip_all_tags( $event_title ) ) ) {
$aria = " aria-label='" . esc_attr( "$details_label: " . wp_strip_all_tags( $event_title ) ) . "'";
if ( _mc_is_url( $permalink ) ) {
$more = " <p class='mc-details'><a$aria href='" . esc_url( $permalink ) . "'>$details_label</a></p>\n";
} else {
$more = '';
* Filter link to event details in grid.
* @hook mc_details_grid_link
* @param {string} $more More link.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @return {string}
$more = apply_filters( 'mc_details_grid_link', $more, $event );
if ( mc_output_is_visible( 'access', $type, $event ) ) {
$access_heading = ( '' !== mc_get_option( 'event_accessibility', '' ) ) ? mc_get_option( 'event_accessibility' ) : __( 'Event Accessibility', 'my-calendar' );
$access_content = mc_expand( get_post_meta( $event->event_post, '_mc_event_access', true ) );
$sublevel = 'h4';
if ( 'single' === $type ) {
$sublevel = 'h2';
* Filter subheading levels inside event content.
* @hook mc_subheading_level
* @param {string} $el Element name. Default 'h4' in grouped templates, h2 on single templates.
* @param {string} $type View type.
* @param {string} $time View timeframe.
* @param {string} $template Current template.
* @return {string}
$sublevel = apply_filters( 'mc_subheading_level', $sublevel, $type, $time, $template );
if ( $access_content ) {
$access = '<div class="mc-accessibility"><' . $sublevel . '>' . $access_heading . '</' . $sublevel . '>' . $access_content . '</div>';
if ( 'true' === $display_gcal || mc_output_is_visible( 'gcal', $type, $event ) ) {
$gcal = " <p class='gcal'>" . mc_draw_template( $data['tags'], '{gcal_link}' ) . '</p>';
if ( 'true' === $display_vcal || mc_output_is_visible( 'ical', $type, $event ) ) {
$vcal = " <p class='ical'>" . mc_draw_template( $data['tags'], '{ical_html}' ) . '</p>';
if ( 'true' === $display_image || mc_output_is_visible( 'image', $type, $event ) ) {
$img = mc_get_event_image( $event, $data );
if ( 'calendar' === $type ) {
// This is semantically a duplicate of the title, but can be beneficial for sighted users.
$uitype = mc_get_option( 'calendar_javascript' );
if ( 'modal' === $uitype ) {
$inner_title = '';
} else {
$headingtype = ( 'h3' === $hlevel ) ? 'h4' : 'h' . ( ( (int) str_replace( 'h', '', $hlevel ) ) - 1 );
$inner_title = ' <' . $headingtype . ' class="mc-title">' . $event_title . '</' . $headingtype . '>';
if ( 'card' === $type ) {
$inner_title = $title;
if ( 'true' === $display_desc || mc_output_is_visible( 'description', $type, $event ) ) {
if ( '' !== trim( $event->event_desc ) ) {
$description = wpautop( wp_kses( wp_unslash( $event->event_desc ), 'mycalendar' ), 1 );
$description = " <div class='longdesc description'>$description</div>";
if ( 'true' === $display_reg || mc_output_is_visible( 'tickets', $type, $event ) ) {
$info = wpautop( wp_kses( wp_unslash( $event->event_registration ), 'mycalendar' ), 1 );
$url = esc_url( $event->event_tickets );
$external = ( $url && mc_external_link( $url ) ) ? 'external' : '';
$text = ( '' !== mc_get_option( 'buy_tickets', '' ) ) ? mc_get_option( 'buy_tickets' ) : __( 'Buy Tickets', 'my-calendar' );
$tickets = ( $url ) ? "<a class='$external' href='" . $url . "'>" . $text . '</a>' : '';
if ( '' !== trim( $info . $tickets ) ) {
$tickets = '<div class="mc-registration">' . $info . $tickets . '</div>';
} else {
$tickets = '';
if ( 'true' === $display_short || mc_output_is_visible( 'excerpt', $type, $event ) ) {
if ( '' !== trim( $event->event_short ) ) {
$short = wpautop( wp_kses( wp_unslash( $event->event_short ), 'mycalendar' ), 1 );
$short = " <div class='shortdesc description'>$short</div>";
* Filter registration status of event. Default empty.
* @hook mc_registration_state
* @param {string} $status String.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @return {string}
$status = apply_filters( 'mc_registration_state', '', $event );
* Filter URL appended on single event view to return to calendar.
* @hook mc_return_uri
* @param {string} $url Calendar URL.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @return {string}
$return_url = apply_filters( 'mc_return_uri', mc_get_uri( $event ), $event );
$text = ( '' !== mc_get_option( 'view_full', '' ) ) ? mc_get_option( 'view_full' ) : __( 'View full calendar', 'my-calendar' );
$return = ( 'single' === $type ) ? " <p class='view-full'><a href='$return_url'>" . $text . '</a></p>' : '';
if ( ! mc_show_details( $time, $type ) ) {
$description = '';
$short = '';
$status = '';
if ( 'true' === $display_gmap || mc_output_is_visible( 'gmap', $type, $event ) ) {
$map = ( is_singular( 'mc-events' ) || 'single' === $type ) ? mc_generate_map( $event ) : '';
} else {
$map = '';
$event_link = mc_event_link( $event );
if ( '' !== $event_link && ( 'true' === $display_link || mc_output_is_visible( 'link', $type, $event ) ) ) {
$external_class = ( mc_external_link( $event_link ) ) ? "$type-link external url" : "$type-link url";
$link_template = ( '' !== mc_get_template( 'link' ) ) ? mc_get_template( 'link' ) : __( 'More information', 'my-calendar' );
$link_text = mc_draw_template( $data, $link_template );
$link = "
<a href='" . esc_url( $event_link ) . "' class='$external_class' aria-describedby='mc_{$event->occur_id}-title-$id'>" . $link_text . '</a>
$access = ( '' !== $access ) ? '<div class="mc-access-information">' . $access . '</div>' : '';
$location = ( '' === trim( $map . $address ) ) ? '' : ' <div class="mc-location">' . $map . $address . '</div>';
$sharing = ( '' === trim( $vcal . $gcal . $more ) ) ? '' : ' <div class="sharing">' . $vcal . $gcal . $more . '</div>';
$close = ( '' !== $close ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $close : '';
$inner_title = ( $inner_title ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $inner_title : '';
$time_html = ( $time_html ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $time_html : '';
$list_title = ( $list_title ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $list_title : '';
$img = ( $img ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $img : '';
$location = ( $location ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $location : '';
$description = ( $description ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $description : '';
$short = ( $short ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $short : '';
$link = ( $link ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $link : '';
$status = ( $status ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $status : '';
$tickets = ( $tickets ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $tickets : '';
$author = ( $author ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $author : '';
$host = ( $host ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $host : '';
$sharing = ( $sharing ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $sharing : '';
$access = ( $access ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $access : '';
$return = ( $return ) ? PHP_EOL . ' ' . $return : '';
$order = array( 'close', 'inner_title', 'list_title', 'time_html', 'img', 'description', 'short', 'location', 'access', 'link', 'status', 'tickets', 'author', 'host', 'sharing', 'return' );
* Filter the order in which event template display elements are appended.
* @hook mc_default_output_order
* @param {array} $order Array of ordered keywords representing items in template.
* @param {object} $event Event object.
* @return {array}
$output_order = apply_filters( 'mc_default_output_order', $order, $event );
$details = '';
if ( ! empty( $output_order ) ) {
foreach ( $output_order as $value ) {
* Filter individual display output items. Variable filter name based on `array( 'close', 'inner_title', 'list_title', 'time_html', 'img', 'description', 'short', 'location', 'access', 'link', 'status', 'tickets', 'author', 'host', 'sharing', 'return' );`
* @hook mc_event_detail_{name}
* @param {string} $details HTML content for section.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @return {string}
$details .= apply_filters( 'mc_event_detail_' . sanitize_title( $value ), ${$value}, $event );
* Filter event content inside wrapper.
* @hook mc_inner_content
* @param {string} $detail HTML with event data.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @param {string} $type View type.
* @param {string} $time View timeframe.
* @return {string}
$details = apply_filters( 'mc_inner_content', $details, $event, $type, $time );
* Filter details output.
* @hook mc_event_content
* @param {string} $details HTML content.
* @param {object} $event My Calendar event object.
* @param {string} $type View type.
* @param {string} $time View timeframe.
* @return {string}
$details = apply_filters( 'mc_event_content', $details, $event, $type, $time );
return $details;
* Format upcoming events output.
* @param array $event Array with event object and template tags array.
* @param string $template Template key or template structure.
* @param string $type Display type.
* @return string
function mc_format_upcoming_event( $event, $template, $type ) {
$details = $event['tags'];
$event = $event['event'];
$today = current_time( 'Y-m-d' );
$date = mc_date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $details['dtstart'] ), false );
$classes = mc_get_event_classes( $event, 'upcoming' );
if ( my_calendar_date_equal( $date, $today ) ) {
$classes .= ' today';
if ( '1' === $details['event_span'] ) {
$classes .= ' multiday';
if ( 'list' === $type ) {
$prepend = "\n<li class=\"$classes\">";
$append = "</li>\n";
} else {
$prepend = '';
$append = '';
* Opening elements for today's events list items. Default `<li class="$classes">`.
* @hook mc_event_upcoming_before
* @param {string} $append Template HTML closing tag.
* @param {string} $classes Space-separated list of classes for the event.
* @param {string} $date Event date in Y-m-d H:i:s format.
* @return {string} HTML following each event in upcoming events lists.
$prepend = apply_filters( 'mc_event_upcoming_before', $prepend, $classes, $date );
* Closing elements for today's events list items. Default `</li>`.
* @hook mc_event_upcoming_after
* @param {string} $append Template HTML closing tag.
* @param {string} $classes Space-separated list of classes for the event.
* @param {string} $date Event date in Y-m-d H:i:s format.
* @return {string} HTML following each event in upcoming events lists.
$append = apply_filters( 'mc_event_upcoming_after', $append, $classes, $date );
* Draw a custom template for upcoming events. Returning any non-empty string short circuits other template settings.
* @hook mc_draw_upcoming_event
* @param {string} $item Empty string before event template is drawn.
* @param {array} $details Associative array of event template tags.
* @param {string} $template Template string passed from widget or shortcode.
* @param {array} $args Associative array holding the arguments used to generate this list of upcoming events.
* @return {string} Event template details.
$item = apply_filters( 'mc_draw_upcoming_event', '', $details, $template, $type );
if ( '' === $item ) {
$item = mc_draw_template( $details, $template, $type, $event );
* Filter upcoming events list item output.
* @hook mc_event_upcoming
* @param {string} $item List item HTML for upcoming event.
* @param {object} $event Event object.
* @return {array} Array of event listing arguments.
$output = apply_filters( 'mc_event_upcoming', $prepend . $item . $append, $event );
return $output;