* Generate limits to event queries.
* @category Events
* @package My Calendar
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/my-calendar/
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Prepare search query.
* @param string $query search term.
* @return string query params for SQL
function mc_prepare_search_query( $query ) {
$db_type = mc_get_db_type();
$length = strlen( $query );
$search = '';
if ( '' !== trim( $query ) ) {
$query = esc_sql( urldecode( urldecode( $query ) ) );
if ( 'myisam' === strtolower( $db_type ) && $length > 3 ) {
* Customize the MATCH fields for a MyISAM boolean search query.
* @hook mc_search_fields
* @param {string} $values Comma-separated list of columns.
* @return {string}
$search = ' AND MATCH(' . apply_filters( 'mc_search_fields', 'event_title,event_desc,event_short,event_registration' ) . ") AGAINST ( '$query' IN BOOLEAN MODE ) ";
} else {
$search = " AND ( event_title LIKE '%$query%' OR event_desc LIKE '%$query%' OR event_short LIKE '%$query%' OR event_registration LIKE '%$query%' ) ";
return $search;
* Generate WHERE pattern for a given category passed
* @param int|string $category Single or list of categories separated by commas using IDs or names.
* @param string $type context of query.
* @param string $group context of query.
* @return array<string> SQL clauses.
function mc_select_category( $category, $type = 'event', $group = 'events' ) {
if ( ! $category || 'all' === $category ) {
return '';
$category = urldecode( $category );
$select_clause = '';
$data = ( 'category' === $group ) ? 'category_id' : 'r.category_id';
if ( preg_match( '/^all$|^all,|,all$|,all,/i', $category ) > 0 ) {
return '';
} else {
$categories = mc_category_select_ids( $category );
if ( count( $categories ) > 0 ) {
$cats = implode( ',', $categories );
$select_clause = "AND $data IN ($cats)";
$join = '';
if ( '' !== $select_clause ) {
$join = ' JOIN ' . my_calendar_category_relationships_table() . ' AS r ON r.event_id = e.event_id ';
return array( $join, $select_clause );
* Get array of category IDs from passed comma-separated data
* @param string $category numeric or string-based category tokens.
* @return array category IDs
function mc_category_select_ids( $category ) {
$mcdb = mc_is_remote_db();
$select = array();
if ( strpos( $category, '|' ) || strpos( $category, ',' ) ) {
if ( strpos( $category, '|' ) ) {
$categories = explode( '|', $category );
} else {
$categories = explode( ',', $category );
foreach ( $categories as $key ) {
$add = false;
$key = trim( $key );
if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) {
$add = (int) $key;
} else {
$key = esc_sql( $key );
$cat = $mcdb->get_row( 'SELECT category_id FROM ' . my_calendar_categories_table() . " WHERE category_name = '$key'" );
if ( is_object( $cat ) ) {
$add = $cat->category_id;
if ( $add ) {
$select[] = $add;
} else {
$category = trim( $category );
if ( is_numeric( $category ) ) {
$select[] = absint( $category );
} else {
$cat = $mcdb->get_row( $mcdb->prepare( 'SELECT category_id FROM ' . my_calendar_categories_table() . ' WHERE category_name = %s', trim( $category ) ) );
if ( is_object( $cat ) ) {
$select[] = $cat->category_id;
return $select;
* Get select parameter values for authors & hosts
* @param string|int $author numeric or string tokens for authors or list of authors.
* @param string $type context of query.
* @param string $context context of data.
* @return string WHERE limits
function mc_select_author( $author, $type = 'event', $context = 'author' ) {
if ( '' === trim( (string) $author ) ) {
return '';
$author = urldecode( $author );
if ( '' === $author || 'all' === $author || 'default' === $author ) {
return '';
$select_author = '';
$data = ( 'author' === $context ) ? 'event_author' : 'event_host';
if ( preg_match( '/^all$|^all,|,all$|,all,/i', $author ) > 0 ) {
return '';
} else {
$authors = mc_author_select_ids( $author );
if ( count( $authors ) > 0 ) {
$auths = implode( ',', $authors );
$select_author = "AND $data IN ($auths)";
return $select_author;
* Get array of author IDs from passed comma-separated data
* @param string $author numeric or string-based author tokens.
* @return array author IDs
function mc_author_select_ids( $author ) {
$authors = array();
if ( strpos( $author, '|' ) || strpos( $author, ',' ) ) {
if ( strpos( $author, '|' ) ) {
$authors = explode( '|', $author );
} else {
$authors = explode( ',', $author );
foreach ( $authors as $index => $key ) {
$key = trim( $key );
if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) {
$add = absint( $key );
} elseif ( 'current' === $key ) {
$author = wp_get_current_user();
$add = $author->ID;
unset( $authors[ $index ] );
} else {
$author = get_user_by( 'login', $key ); // Get author by username.
$add = $author->ID;
$authors[] = $add;
} else {
if ( is_numeric( $author ) ) {
$authors[] = absint( $author );
} else {
$author = trim( $author );
$author = get_user_by( 'login', $author ); // Get author by username.
if ( is_object( $author ) ) {
$authors[] = $author->ID;
return $authors;
* Select host params.
* @uses mc_select_author()
* @param int|string $host Host ID or name..
* @param string $type context.
* @return string SQL
function mc_select_host( $host, $type = 'event' ) {
return mc_select_author( $host, $type, 'host' );
* Function to limit event query by location.
* @param string $ltype {location type}.
* @param string|integer $lvalue {location value}.
* @return string
function mc_select_location( $ltype = '', $lvalue = '' ) {
$limit_string = '';
$limit_strings = array();
$location = '';
if ( ! $ltype || ! $lvalue ) {
return '';
} else {
// If value passed is a string of comma separated values, turn into array.
if ( is_string( $lvalue ) && false !== stripos( $lvalue, ',' ) ) {
$lvalue = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $lvalue ) );
if ( ! is_array( $lvalue ) ) {
$lvalue = array( $lvalue );
foreach ( $lvalue as $lval ) {
if ( '' !== $ltype && '' !== $lval ) {
$location = $ltype;
switch ( $location ) {
case 'name':
$location_type = 'location_label';
case 'city':
$location_type = 'location_city';
case 'state':
$location_type = 'location_state';
case 'zip':
$location_type = 'location_postcode';
case 'country':
$location_type = 'location_country';
case 'region':
$location_type = 'location_region';
case 'id':
$location_type = 'location_id';
$location_type = str_replace( 'event_', 'location_', $location );
if ( in_array( $location_type, array( 'location_label', 'location_city', 'location_state', 'location_postcode', 'location_country', 'location_region', 'location_id', 'location_street', 'location_street2', 'location_url', 'location_longitude', 'location_latitude', 'location_zoom', 'location_phone', 'location_phone2' ), true ) ) {
if ( 'all' !== $lval && '' !== $lval ) {
$lval = trim( $lval );
if ( is_numeric( $lval ) ) {
$limit_strings[] = $location_type . ' = ' . absint( $lval );
} else {
$limit_strings[] = $location_type . " = '" . esc_sql( urldecode( urldecode( $lval ) ) ) . "'";
if ( ! empty( $limit_strings ) ) {
$limit_string = implode( ' OR ', $limit_strings );
* Customize location limit SQL.
* @hook mc_location_limit_sql
* @param {string} $limit_string SQL limit for location query.
* @param {string} $ltype Ltype value passed.
* @param {string} $lvalue Lvalue passed.
* @return {string}
return apply_filters( 'mc_location_limit_sql', $limit_string, $ltype, $lvalue );
* Get events based on accessibility features available
* @param string $access type of accessibility feature.
* @return string limits to add to query
function mc_access_limit( $access ) {
global $wpdb;
$options = mc_event_access();
$format = ( isset( $options[ $access ] ) ) ? esc_sql( $options[ $access ] ) : false;
$limit_string = ( $format ) ? "AND event_access LIKE '%$format%'" : '';
return $limit_string;
* SQL modifiers for published vs. preview
* @return string
function mc_select_published() {
if ( mc_is_preview() ) {
$published = 'event_flagged <> 1 AND ( event_approved <> 2 )';
} else {
$public = mc_event_states_by_type( 'public' );
$private = mc_event_states_by_type( 'private' );
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$public = array_merge( $public, $private );
$public = implode( ',', $public );
$published = 'event_flagged <> 1 AND event_approved IN (' . $public . ')';
return $published;