* Manage My Calendar events groups
* @category Events
* @package My Calendar
* @author Joe Dolson
* @license GPLv2 or later
* @link https://www.joedolson.com/my-calendar/
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Generate the Grouped event editing form
function my_calendar_group_edit() {
global $wpdb;
// First some quick cleaning up.
$action = ! empty( $_POST['event_action'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['event_action'] ) : '';
$event_id = ! empty( $_POST['event_id'] ) ? (int) $_POST['event_id'] : '';
$group_id = ! empty( $_POST['group_id'] ) ? (int) $_POST['group_id'] : '';
if ( isset( $_GET['mode'] ) ) {
if ( 'edit' === $_GET['mode'] ) {
$action = 'edit';
$event_id = (int) $_GET['event_id'];
$group_id = (int) $_GET['group_id'];
if ( isset( $_POST['event_action'] ) ) {
global $mc_output;
$nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'my-calendar-nonce' ) ) {
wp_die( 'My Calendar: Security check failed' );
$message = '';
switch ( $_POST['event_action'] ) {
case 'edit':
if ( isset( $_POST['apply'] ) && is_array( $_POST['apply'] ) ) {
$post = map_deep( $_POST, 'wp_kses_post' );
$mc_output = mc_check_group_data( $action, $post );
foreach ( $post['apply'] as $event_id ) {
$event_id = absint( $event_id );
$response = my_calendar_save_group( $action, $mc_output, $event_id, $post );
echo wp_kses_post( $response );
case 'break':
$events = map_deep( $_POST['break'], 'absint' );
foreach ( $events as $event_id ) {
$update = array( 'event_group_id' => 0 );
$formats = array( '%d' );
$result = $wpdb->update( my_calendar_table(), $update, array( 'event_id' => $event_id ), $formats, '%d' );
// Translators: Calendar URL.
$url = sprintf( __( 'View <a href="%s">your calendar</a>.', 'my-calendar' ), mc_get_uri() );
if ( false === $result ) {
$message = mc_show_error( __( 'Event not updated.', 'my-calendar' ) . " $url", false );
} elseif ( 0 === $result ) {
$message = mc_show_notice( "#$event_id: " . __( 'Nothing was changed in that update.', 'my-calendar' ) . " $url", false, false, 'info' );
} else {
$message = mc_show_notice( "#$event_id: " . __( 'Event updated successfully', 'my-calendar' ) . ". $url", false, false, 'success' );
case 'group':
if ( isset( $_POST['group'] ) && is_array( $_POST['group'] ) ) {
$events = map_deep( $_POST['group'], 'absint' );
sort( $events );
foreach ( $events as $event_id ) {
$group_id = $events[0];
$update = array( 'event_group_id' => $group_id );
$formats = array( '%d' );
$result = $wpdb->update( my_calendar_table(), $update, array( 'event_id' => $event_id ), $formats, '%d' );
if ( false === $result ) {
$message = mc_show_error( __( 'Event not grouped.', 'my-calendar' ), false );
} elseif ( 0 === $result ) {
$message = mc_show_notice( "#$event_id: " . __( 'Nothing was changed in that update.', 'my-calendar' ), false, false, 'warning' );
} else {
// Translators: Event group ID.
$message = mc_show_notice( sprintf( __( 'Group %s: Events grouped successfully', 'my-calendar' ), "#$event_id" ), false, false, 'success' );
echo wp_kses_post( $message );
<div class="wrap my-calendar-admin" id="my-calendar">
if ( 'edit' === $action ) {
echo '<h1>' . esc_html__( 'Edit Event Group', 'my-calendar' ) . '</h1>';
if ( empty( $event_id ) || empty( $group_id ) ) {
mc_show_error( __( 'You must provide an event group id in order to edit it', 'my-calendar' ) );
} else {
mc_edit_groups( 'edit', $event_id, $group_id );
} else {
<h1><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Groups', 'my-calendar' ); ?></h1>
<?php esc_html_e( 'When you choose a group of events to edit, the form will be pre-filled with the content from the event you choose.', 'my-calendar' ); ?>
<div class="mc-tablinks">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'My Events', 'my-calendar' ); ?></strong>
<a href="#my-calendar-admin-table" aria-current="page"><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Groups', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
<div class="postbox-container jcd-wide">
<div class="metabox-holder">
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Groups', 'my-calendar' ); ?></h2>
<?php mc_list_groups(); ?>
* Save data within a group of events.
* @param string $action Type of action: add, edit.
* @param array $output Data and status of data check.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
* @param array $post POST data.
* @return string message
function my_calendar_save_group( $action, $output, $event_id, $post = array() ) {
global $wpdb, $event_author;
$proceed = $output[0];
$message = '';
if ( 'edit' === $action && true === $proceed ) {
$event_author = (int) ( $_POST['event_author'] );
if ( mc_can_edit_event( $event_id ) ) {
$update = $output[2];
$cats = $update['event_categories'];
unset( $update['event_categories'] );
mc_update_category_relationships( $cats, $event_id );
* Filter calendar update data before saving an individual event when managing groups.
* @hook mc_update_group_data
* @param {array} $update Event update data for groups.
* @param {string} $event_author Author for these events.
* @param {string} $action Action performed.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID being updated.
* @return {array}
$update = apply_filters( 'mc_update_group_data', $update, $event_author, $action, $event_id );
$formats = array( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d' );
$result = $wpdb->update( my_calendar_table(), $update, array( 'event_id' => $event_id ), $formats, '%d' );
$edit_url = '<a href="' . admin_url( "admin.php?page=my-calendar&mode=edit&event_id=$event_id" ) . '" class="button-secondary">' . __( 'Edit Event', 'my-calendar' ) . '</a>';
$view_url = ' <a href="' . mc_get_permalink( mc_get_first_event( $event_id ) ) . '" class="button-secondary">' . __( 'View Event', 'my-calendar' ) . '</a>';
$url = $edit_url . $view_url;
// Make sure POST data is available in update array.
$update = array_merge( $update, $post );
// Same as action on basic save.
mc_do_event_save_actions( 'edit', $update, $event_id, $result );
* Run action when a group of events are saved.
* @hook mc_save_grouped_events
* @param {int|false} $result Current action: edit, copy, add.
* @param {int} $event_id Event ID.
* @param {array} $update Updated data.
do_action( 'mc_save_grouped_events', $result, $event_id, $update );
if ( false === $result ) {
$message = mc_show_error( "#$event_id; " . __( 'Your event was not updated.', 'my-calendar' ) . " $url", false );
} elseif ( 0 === $result ) {
$message = mc_show_notice( "#$event_id: " . __( 'Nothing was changed in that update.', 'my-calendar' ) . " $url", false, false, 'warning' );
} else {
$message = mc_show_notice( "#$event_id: " . __( 'Event updated successfully', 'my-calendar' ) . ". $url", false, false, 'success' );
} else {
$message = mc_show_error( "#$event_id: " . __( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to edit that event.', 'my-calendar' ), false );
$message = $message . "\n" . $output[3];
return $message;
* Compare events within a group to see if they currently have the same information.
* @param int $group_id Group ID.
* @param string|false $field Column name of field to compare. False to check all grouped fields.
* @param bool $display False to return if single field comparison.
* @return string|boolean True if information is the same for multiple fields; string for single field checks.
function mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, $field = false, $display = true ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! $field ) {
$query = 'SELECT event_title, event_desc, event_short, event_link, event_url, event_image, event_category, event_link_expires, event_host FROM ' . my_calendar_table() . ' WHERE event_group_id = %d';
} else {
// Just comparing a single field.
$query = "SELECT $field FROM " . my_calendar_table() . ' WHERE event_group_id = %d';
$results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $query, $group_id ), ARRAY_N ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
$count = count( $results );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
$n = ( ( $i + 1 ) > $count - 1 ) ? 0 : $i + 1;
if ( md5( implode( '', $results[ $i ] ) ) !== md5( implode( '', $results[ $n ] ) ) ) {
if ( $field ) {
$message = ' <span class="nomatch">' . __( 'Fields do not match', 'my-calendar' ) . '</span>';
if ( $display ) {
echo wp_kses_post( $message );
} else {
return $message;
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Show members of group and provide options to select which to edit.
* @param int $group_id Group ID.
* @param string $type Context of form.
* @return string form
function mc_group_form( $group_id, $type = 'break' ) {
$event_id = (int) $_GET['event_id'];
$nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'my-calendar-nonce' );
$results = mc_get_grouped_events( $group_id );
if ( 'apply' === $type ) {
$warning = ( ! mc_compare_group_members( $group_id ) ) ? '<p class="unmatched warning">' . __( '<strong>Warning:</strong> Editable fields for the events in this group do not match.', 'my-calendar' ) . '</p>' : '<p class="matched">' . __( 'Editable fields for the events in this group match.', 'my-calendar' ) . '</p>';
} else {
$warning = '';
$class = ( 'break' === $type ) ? 'break' : 'apply';
$group = "<div class='group mc-actions $class'>";
$group .= $warning;
$group .= ( 'apply' === $type ) ? '<fieldset><legend>' . __( 'Apply changes to:', 'my-calendar' ) . '</legend>' : '';
$group .= ( 'break' === $type ) ? "<form method='post' action='" . admin_url( "admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&mode=edit&event_id=$event_id&group_id=$group_id" ) . "'>
<div><input type='hidden' value='" . esc_attr( $group_id ) . "' name='group_id' /><input type='hidden' value='" . esc_attr( $type ) . "' name='event_action' /><input type='hidden' name='_wpnonce' value='$nonce' />
</div>" : '';
$group .= "<ul class='checkboxes'>";
$checked = ( 'apply' === $type ) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
$first = mc_get_first_event( $result->event_id );
if ( ! is_object( $first ) ) {
$date = date_i18n( 'D, j M, Y', $first->ts_occur_begin );
$time = date_i18n( 'g:i a', $first->ts_occur_begin );
$title = esc_html( stripslashes( $first->event_title ) );
$group .= "<li><input type='checkbox' name='$type" . "[]' value='$first->event_id' id='$type$first->event_id'$checked /> <label for='break$first->event_id'>$title<br />$date, $time</label></li>\n";
$group .= "<li><input type='checkbox' class='selectall' data-action='$type' id='$type'$checked /> <label for='$type'>" . __( 'Select all', 'my-calendar' ) . "</label></li>\n</ul>";
$group .= ( 'apply' === $type ) ? '</fieldset>' : '';
$group .= ( 'break' === $type ) ? "<p><input type='submit' class='button' value='" . __( 'Remove checked events from this group', 'my-calendar' ) . "' /></p></form>" : '';
$group .= '</div>';
return $group;
* The event edit form for the manage events admin page
* @param string $mode Editing mode.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
* @param int $group_id Group ID.
function mc_edit_groups( $mode = 'edit', $event_id = 0, $group_id = 0 ) {
$event_id = ( 0 === $event_id ) ? false : $event_id;
$group_id = ( 0 === $group_id ) ? false : $group_id;
$message = '';
$group = '';
$data = mc_form_data( $event_id );
if ( false !== $group_id ) {
$group = mc_group_form( $group_id, 'break' );
} else {
$message .= __( 'You must provide a group ID to edit groups', 'my-calendar' );
mc_show_error( $message );
echo wp_kses( $group, mc_kses_elements() );
my_calendar_print_group_fields( $data, $mode, $event_id );
* Generate form to edit group editable fields.
* @param object $data Event object data.
* @param string $mode Editing mode.
* @param int $event_id Event ID.
function my_calendar_print_group_fields( $data, $mode, $event_id ) {
global $user_ID;
$has_data = ( is_object( $data ) ) ? true : false;
$user = get_userdata( $user_ID );
$group_id = ( ! empty( $data->event_group_id ) ) ? $data->event_group_id : mc_group_id();
$title = '';
$description = '';
$short = '';
$image = '';
if ( is_object( $data ) ) {
$title = stripslashes( $data->event_title );
$description = stripslashes( $data->event_desc );
$short = stripslashes( $data->event_short );
$image = $data->event_image;
$args = array(
'groups' => 'true',
'mode' => 'edit',
'event_id' => $event_id,
'group_id' => $group_id,
<div class="postbox-container jcd-wide">
<div class="metabox-holder">
<form method="post" action="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( $args, admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage' ) ) ); ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php echo esc_attr( wp_create_nonce( 'my-calendar-nonce' ) ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="group_id" value="<?php echo absint( $group_id ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="event_action" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $mode ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="event_id" value="<?php echo absint( $event_id ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="event_author" value="<?php echo absint( $user_ID ); ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="event_post" value="group" />
<input type="hidden" name="event_nonce_name" value="<?php echo esc_attr( wp_create_nonce( 'event_nonce' ) ); ?>" />
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Manage Event Groups', 'my-calendar' ); ?></h2>
<div class="inside">
<div class="mc-controls">
<li><span class='dashicons dashicons-calendar' aria-hidden='true'></span><a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Manage groups', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a></li>
<li><input type="submit" name="save" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Update Event Group', 'my-calendar' ); ?>"/></li>
<label for="e_title"><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Title', 'my-calendar' ); ?> <span><?php esc_html_e( '(required)', 'my-calendar' ); ?></span>
<?php mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_title' ); ?>
<input type="text" id="e_title" class="widefat" name="event_title" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" />
echo wp_kses( mc_group_form( $group_id, 'apply' ), mc_kses_elements() );
if ( '0' === $data->event_repeats && ( 'S1' === $data->event_recur || 'S' === $data->event_recur ) ) {
$span_checked = false;
if ( is_object( $data ) && '1' === $data->event_span ) {
$span_checked = true;
} elseif ( is_object( $data ) && '0' === $data->event_span ) {
$span_checked = false;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" id="e_span" name="event_span" <?php checked( true, $span_checked ); ?> />
<label for="e_span">
esc_html_e( 'Selected dates are a single multi-day event.', 'my-calendar' );
mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_span' );
} else {
<div><input type='hidden' name='event_span' value='<?php echo esc_attr( $data->event_span ); ?>' /></div>
if ( mc_show_edit_block( 'event_desc' ) ) {
<div id="group_description">
<label for="content">
esc_html_e( 'Event Description', 'my-calendar' );
mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_desc' );
<?php wp_editor( $description, 'content', array( 'textarea_rows' => 10 ) ); ?>
if ( mc_show_edit_block( 'event_short' ) ) {
<label for="e_short">
esc_html_e( 'Excerpt', 'my-calendar' );
mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_short' );
<textarea id="e_short" name="event_short" rows="2" cols="80"><?php echo esc_textarea( stripslashes( $short ) ); ?></textarea>
if ( mc_show_edit_block( 'event_category' ) ) {
$match = mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_category', false );
$select = mc_category_select( $data, true, false );
$add_category = current_user_can( 'mc_edit_cats' ) ? '<input class="mc-srt" type="checkbox" name="event_category_new" id="event_category_new" value="true" /> <label for="event_category_new" class="button"><span class="dashicons dashicons-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>' . __( 'Add Categories', 'my-calendar' ) . '</label>' : '';
$addnew = '<div class="new-event-category">
<p><label for="event_category_name">' . __( 'Category Name', 'my-calendar' ) . '</label> <input type="text" value="" id="event_category_name" name="event_category_name" disabled /> <button type="button" class="button add-category">' . __( 'Add Category', 'my-calendar' ) . '</button></p>
$return = '<fieldset class="categories"><legend>' . __( 'Categories', 'my-calendar' ) . $match . '</legend><ul class="checkboxes">' . mc_category_select( $data, true, true ) . '<li class="event-new-category"> ' . $add_category . '</li></ul></fieldset>' . $addnew . '<p class="mc-primary-category"><label for="event_category">' . __( 'Primary Category', 'my-calendar' ) . '</label><select name="primary_category" id="e_category">' . $select . '</select></p>';
echo wp_kses( $return, mc_kses_elements() );
} else {
<input type="hidden" name="event_category" value="1" />
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Featured Image', 'my-calendar' ); ?></h2>
<div class="inside">
if ( mc_show_edit_block( 'event_image' ) ) {
<div class='mc-image-upload field-holder'>
<div class="image_fields">
mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_image' );
if ( $has_data && property_exists( $data, 'event_post' ) ) {
$image = ( has_post_thumbnail( $data->event_post ) ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $data->event_post ) : $data->event_image;
$image_id = ( has_post_thumbnail( $data->event_post ) ) ? get_post_thumbnail_id( $data->event_post ) : '';
} else {
$image = ( $has_data && '' !== $data->event_image ) ? $data->event_image : '';
$image_id = '';
$button_text = __( 'Select Featured Image', 'my-calendar' );
$remove = '';
$alt = '';
if ( '' !== $image ) {
$alt = ( $image_id ) ? get_post_meta( $image_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ) : '';
$remove = '<button type="button" data-context="event" class="button remove-image" aria-describedby="event_image">' . esc_html__( 'Remove Featured Image', 'my-calendar' ) . '</button>';
$button_text = __( 'Change Featured Image', 'my-calendar' );
$alt = ( '' === $alt ) ? $data->event_image : $alt;
<input type="hidden" name="event_image_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $image_id ); ?>" class="textfield" id="e_image_id" />
<input type="hidden" name="event_image" id="e_image" value="<?php echo esc_url( $image ); ?>" />
<button type='button' data-context="event" class="button select-image"><?php echo esc_html( $button_text ); ?></button> <?php echo wp_kses_post( $remove ); ?>
if ( ! empty( $data->event_image ) ) {
echo '<div class="event_image" aria-live="assertive"><img id="event_image" src="' . esc_url( $image ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr__( 'Current image: ', 'my-calendar' ) . esc_attr( $alt ) . '" /></div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="event_image" id="event_image"></div>';
} else {
<input type="hidden" name="event_image" value="<?php echo ( $has_data ) ? esc_attr( $data->event_image ) : ''; ?>" />
if ( ! empty( $data->event_image ) ) {
echo '<div class="event_image"><img src="' . esc_attr( $data->event_image ) . '" alt="" /></div>';
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Details', 'my-calendar' ); ?></h2>
<div class="inside">
<label for="e_host">
esc_html_e( 'Event Host', 'my-calendar' );
mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_host' );
<select id="e_host" name="event_host">
// Grab hosts and list them.
$user_list = mc_get_users( 'hosts' );
foreach ( $user_list as $u ) {
$selected = false;
if ( is_object( $data ) && absint( $data->event_host ) === absint( $u->ID ) ) {
$selected = true;
} elseif ( is_object( $u ) && $u->ID === $user->ID && empty( $data->event_host ) ) {
$selected = true;
$display_name = ( '' === $u->display_name ) ? $u->user_nicename : $u->display_name;
<option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $u->ID ); ?>" <?php selected( true, $selected ); ?>><?php echo esc_html( $display_name ); ?></option>
if ( mc_show_edit_block( 'event_link' ) ) {
$exp_checked = false;
if ( is_object( $data ) && '1' === $data->event_link_expires ) {
$exp_checked = true;
} elseif ( is_object( $data ) && '0' === $data->event_link_expires ) {
$exp_checked = false;
} elseif ( mc_event_link_expires() ) {
$exp_checked = true;
<label for="e_link">
esc_html_e( 'Event Link (Optional)', 'my-calendar' );
mc_compare_group_members( $group_id, 'event_link' );
<input type="text" placeholder="https://" id="e_link" name="event_link" size="40" value="<?php echo ( is_object( $data ) ) ? esc_url( $data->event_link ) : ''; ?>" />
<input type="checkbox" value="1" id="e_link_expires" name="event_link_expires"<?php checked( true, $exp_checked ); ?> />
<label for="e_link_expires"><?php esc_html_e( 'Link will expire after event.', 'my-calendar' ); ?></label>
* Filter event registration fields.
* @hook mc_event_registration
* @param {string} $event_registration_output HTML output. Default empty.
* @param {bool} $has_data Whether this event has data.
* @param {object} $data Event data object.
* @param {string} $context Indicates this is running in the admin.
* @return {string}
$event_registration_output = apply_filters( 'mc_event_registration', '', $has_data, $data, 'admin' );
if ( mc_show_edit_block( 'event_open' ) && '' !== $event_registration_output ) {
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Registration Settings', 'my-calendar' ); ?></h2>
<div class="inside">
<legend><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Registration Status', 'my-calendar' ); ?></legend>
<?php echo wp_kses( $event_registration_output, mc_kses_elements() ); ?>
} else {
<input type="hidden" name="event_tickets" value="<?php echo ( $has_data ) ? esc_attr( $data->event_tickets ) : ''; ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="event_registration" value="<?php echo ( $has_data ) ? esc_attr( $data->event_registration ) : ''; ?>"/>
if ( mc_show_edit_block( 'event_location' ) ) {
<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
<div class="postbox">
<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Location', 'my-calendar' ); ?></h2>
<div class="inside location_form">
<legend class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Event Location', 'my-calendar' ); ?></legend>
<?php echo wp_kses( mc_event_location_dropdown_block( $data ), mc_kses_elements() ); ?>
* Check data to be submitted to save
* @param string $action Type of action.
* @param array $post of event data.
* @return mixed array/object $data checked array or object if error found
function mc_check_group_data( $action, $post ) {
* Filter posted event group data prior to running event data checks.
* @hook mc_groups_pre_checkdata
* @param {array} $post POST data.
* @param {string} $action Type of action running.(add, edit, or copy.)
* @return {array}
$post = apply_filters( 'mc_groups_pre_checkdata', $post, $action );
global $current_user;
$submit = array();
if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.4', '<' ) && get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { //phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.RemovedFunctions.get_magic_quotes_gpcDeprecated
$post = array_map( 'stripslashes_deep', $post );
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $post['event_nonce_name'], 'event_nonce' ) ) {
return '';
$errors = '';
if ( 'add' === $action || 'edit' === $action || 'copy' === $action ) {
$title = ! empty( $post['event_title'] ) ? trim( $post['event_title'] ) : '';
$desc = ! empty( $post['content'] ) ? trim( $post['content'] ) : '';
$short = ! empty( $post['event_short'] ) ? trim( $post['event_short'] ) : '';
$host = ! empty( $post['event_host'] ) ? $post['event_host'] : $current_user->ID;
$cats = array();
$primary = 1;
if ( isset( $post['event_category'] ) ) {
$cats = $post['event_category'];
if ( is_array( $cats ) && ! empty( $cats ) ) {
// Set first category as primary.
$primary = ( is_numeric( $cats[0] ) ) ? $cats[0] : 1;
foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
$private = mc_get_category_detail( $cat, 'category_private' );
// If a selected category is private, set that category as primary instead.
if ( 1 === (int) $private ) {
$primary = $cat;
} else {
$primary = $post['event_category'];
$cats = array( $cats );
$event_link = ! empty( $post['event_link'] ) ? trim( $post['event_link'] ) : '';
$expires = ! empty( $post['event_link_expires'] ) ? $post['event_link_expires'] : '0';
$location_preset = ! empty( $post['location_preset'] ) ? $post['location_preset'] : '';
$event_tickets = ! empty( $post['event_tickets'] ) ? trim( $post['event_tickets'] ) : '';
$event_registration = ! empty( $post['event_registration'] ) ? trim( $post['event_registration'] ) : '';
$event_image = esc_url_raw( $post['event_image'] );
$event_span = ! empty( $post['event_span'] ) ? 1 : 0;
// We check to make sure the URL is acceptable (blank or starting with http://).
if ( ! ( '' === $event_link || preg_match( '/^(http)(s?)(:)\/\//', $event_link ) ) ) {
$event_link = 'https://' . $event_link;
// A title is required, and can't be more than 255 characters.
$title_length = strlen( $title );
if ( ! ( $title_length >= 1 && $title_length <= 255 ) ) {
$title = __( 'Untitled Event', 'my-calendar' );
$proceed = true;
$submit = array(
// Begin strings.
'event_title' => $title,
'event_desc' => $desc,
'event_short' => $short,
'event_link' => $event_link,
'event_image' => $event_image,
'event_tickets' => $event_tickets,
'event_registration' => $event_registration,
// Begin integers.
'event_category' => $primary,
'event_link_expires' => $expires,
'event_host' => $host,
'event_span' => $event_span,
'event_location' => $location_preset,
// Array (not saved directly).
'event_categories' => $cats,
$submit = array_map( 'mc_kses_post', $submit );
$data = array( $proceed, false, $submit, $errors );
} else {
$proceed = false;
$data = array( $proceed, false, array(), __( 'Invalid Action', 'my-calendar' ) );
return $data;
* Used on the manage events admin page to display a list of events
function mc_list_groups() {
global $wpdb;
$user = wp_get_current_user()->ID;
$sortby = ( isset( $_GET['sort'] ) ) ? $_GET['sort'] : mc_get_option( 'default_sort' );
if ( isset( $_GET['order'] ) ) {
$sortdir = ( isset( $_GET['order'] ) && 'ASC' === $_GET['order'] ) ? 'ASC' : 'default';
} else {
$sortdir = 'default';
if ( empty( $sortby ) ) {
$sortbyvalue = 'event_begin';
} else {
switch ( $sortby ) {
case '1':
$sortbyvalue = 'event_ID';
case '2':
$sortbyvalue = 'event_title';
case '3':
$sortbyvalue = 'event_desc';
case '4':
$sortbyvalue = 'event_begin';
case '5':
$sortbyvalue = 'event_author';
case '6':
$sortbyvalue = 'event_category';
case '7':
$sortbyvalue = 'event_label';
case '8':
$sortbyvalue = 'group_id';
$sortbyvalue = 'event_begin';
$sortbydirection = ( 'default' === $sortdir ) ? 'DESC' : $sortdir;
$sort = ( 'DESC' === $sortbydirection ) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
$current = empty( $_GET['paged'] ) ? 1 : intval( $_GET['paged'] );
$screen = get_current_screen();
$option = $screen->get_option( 'per_page', 'option' );
$items_per_page = get_user_meta( $user, $option, true );
if ( empty( $items_per_page ) || $items_per_page < 1 ) {
$items_per_page = $screen->get_option( 'per_page', 'default' );
$limit = ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) ) ? $_GET['limit'] : 'published';
switch ( $limit ) {
case 'published':
$limit = 'WHERE event_approved != 2';
case 'grouped':
$limit = 'WHERE event_group_id <> 0 AND event_approved != 2';
case 'ungrouped':
$limit = 'WHERE event_group_id = 0 AND event_approved != 2';
$limit = '';
$query_limit = ( ( $current - 1 ) * $items_per_page );
$events = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT * FROM ' . my_calendar_table() . " $limit ORDER BY $sortbyvalue $sortbydirection LIMIT %d, %d", $query_limit, $items_per_page ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
$found_rows = $wpdb->get_col( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . my_calendar_table() ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared,WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
$items = $found_rows[0];
<div class='inside'>
$num_pages = ceil( $items / $items_per_page );
if ( $num_pages > 1 ) {
$page_links = paginate_links(
'base' => add_query_arg( 'paged', '%#%' ),
'format' => '',
'prev_text' => __( '« Previous<span class="screen-reader-text"> Events</span>', 'my-calendar' ),
'next_text' => __( 'Next<span class="screen-reader-text"> Events</span> »', 'my-calendar' ),
'total' => $num_pages,
'current' => $current,
'mid_size' => 1,
$nav_label = __( 'Events Pagination', 'my-calendar' );
<nav class='tablenav' aria-label='<?php echo esc_attr( $nav_label ); ?>'>
<div class='tablenav-pages'>
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $page_links ); ?>
<nav class="mc-admin-header" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Filter Events', 'my-calendar' ); ?>">
<ul class="links">
<a <?php echo ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) && 'grouped' === $_GET['limit'] ) ? ' class="active-link"' : ''; ?> href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&limit=grouped#my-calendar-admin-table' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Grouped Events', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
<a <?php echo ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) && 'ungrouped' === $_GET['limit'] ) ? ' class="active-link"' : ''; ?> href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&limit=ungrouped#my-calendar-admin-table' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Ungrouped Events', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
<a <?php echo ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) && 'all' === $_GET['limit'] || ! isset( $_GET['limit'] ) ) ? ' class="active-link"' : ''; ?> href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true#my-calendar-admin-table' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'All', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
if ( ! empty( $events ) ) {
<form action="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true' ) ); ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php echo esc_attr( wp_create_nonce( 'my-calendar-nonce' ) ); ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="event_action" value="group"/>
<p class="mc-group-buttons mc-actions">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary group" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Group events', 'my-calendar' ); ?>" />
<table class="widefat wp-list-table mc-responsive-table mc-groups-table" id="my-calendar-admin-table">
<caption class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Grouped Events list. Use column headers to sort.', 'my-calendar' ); ?></caption>
$admin_url = admin_url( "admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&order=$sort&paged=$current" );
$admin_url = isset( $_GET['limit'] ) ? add_query_arg( 'limit', sanitize_text_field( $_GET['limit'] ), $admin_url ) : $admin_url;
$url = add_query_arg( 'sort', '1', $admin_url );
$col_head = mc_table_header( __( 'ID', 'my-calendar' ), $sort, $sortby, '1', $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'sort', '8', $admin_url );
$col_head .= mc_table_header( __( 'Group', 'my-calendar' ), $sort, $sortby, '8', $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'sort', '2', $admin_url );
$col_head .= mc_table_header( __( 'Title', 'my-calendar' ), $sort, $sortby, '2', $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'sort', '7', $admin_url );
$col_head .= mc_table_header( __( 'Location', 'my-calendar' ), $sort, $sortby, '7', $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'sort', '4', $admin_url );
$col_head .= mc_table_header( __( 'Date/Time', 'my-calendar' ), $sort, $sortby, '4', $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'sort', '5', $admin_url );
$col_head .= mc_table_header( __( 'Author', 'my-calendar' ), $sort, $sortby, '5', $url );
$url = add_query_arg( 'sort', '6', $admin_url );
$col_head .= mc_table_header( __( 'Category', 'my-calendar' ), $sort, $sortby, '6', $url );
echo wp_kses( $col_head, mc_kses_elements() );
$class = '';
foreach ( $events as $event ) {
$is_grouped = mc_event_is_grouped( $event->event_group_id );
$class = ( 'alternate' === $class ) ? 'even' : 'alternate';
$spam = ( '1' === $event->event_flagged ) ? ' spam' : '';
$spam_label = ( '1' === $event->event_flagged ) ? '<strong>' . __( 'Possible spam:', 'my-calendar' ) . '</strong> ' : '';
$author = ( '0' !== $event->event_author ) ? get_userdata( $event->event_author ) : __( 'Public Submitter', 'my-calendar' );
$can_edit = mc_can_edit_event( $event );
if ( '' !== trim( $event->event_link ) ) {
$title = "<a href='" . esc_url( $event->event_link ) . "'>" . strip_tags( $event->event_title, mc_strip_tags() ) . '</a>';
} else {
$title = $event->event_title;
<tr class="<?php echo esc_attr( "$class $spam" ); ?>" id="event<?php echo esc_attr( $event->event_id ); ?>">
<th scope="row">
<input type="checkbox" aria-describedby="event_<?php echo esc_attr( $event->event_id ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $event->event_id ); ?>" name="group[]" id="mc<?php echo esc_attr( $event->event_id ); ?>" <?php echo ( $is_grouped ) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; ?> />
<label for="mc<?php echo esc_attr( $event->event_id ); ?>"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Group event', 'my-calendar' ); ?></span><?php echo esc_attr( $event->event_id ); ?></label>
<th scope="row">
<?php echo ( '0' === $event->event_group_id ) ? '-' : esc_html( $event->event_group_id ); ?>
$edit_link = '';
if ( $can_edit ) {
if ( $is_grouped ) {
$edit_link = admin_url( "admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&mode=edit&event_id=$event->event_id&group_id=$event->event_group_id" );
if ( $edit_link ) {
echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $edit_link ) . '" class="edit">';
echo wp_kses_post( $spam_label );
echo '<span id="event_' . esc_attr( $event->event_id ) . '">' . esc_html( wp_strip_all_tags( wp_unslash( $title ) ) ) . '</span>';
if ( $can_edit && $edit_link ) {
echo '</a>';
if ( ! $is_grouped ) {
echo ' - <em>' . esc_html__( 'Ungrouped', 'my-calendar' ) . '</em>';
<div class='row-actions'>
if ( $can_edit ) {
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( "admin.php?page=my-calendar&mode=edit&event_id=$event->event_id" ) ); ?>" class='edit' aria-describedby='event_<?php echo esc_attr( $event->event_id ); ?>'><?php esc_html_e( 'Edit Event', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
if ( $is_grouped ) {
| <a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( "admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&mode=edit&event_id=$event->event_id&group_id=$event->event_group_id" ) ); ?>" class='edit group'><?php esc_html_e( 'Edit Group', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
} else {
esc_html_e( 'Not editable.', 'my-calendar' );
$elabel = '';
if ( property_exists( $event, 'location' ) && is_object( $event->location ) ) {
$elabel = $event->location->location_label;
echo esc_html( wp_strip_all_tags( stripslashes( $elabel ) ) );
if ( '23:59:59' !== $event->event_endtime ) {
$event_time = date_i18n( mc_time_format(), strtotime( $event->event_time ) );
} else {
$event_time = mc_notime_label( $event );
$begin = date_i18n( mc_date_format(), strtotime( $event->event_begin ) );
echo esc_html( "$begin, $event_time" );
<div class="recurs">
<?php echo esc_html( mc_recur_string( $event ) ); ?>
<td><?php echo esc_html( is_object( $author ) ? $author->display_name : $author ); ?></td>
<?php echo wp_kses( mc_admin_category_list( $event ), mc_kses_elements() ); ?>
<div class="mc-controls footer">
<p class="mc-actions mc-group-buttons">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary group" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Group events', 'my-calendar' ); ?>"/>
if ( $num_pages > 1 ) {
<nav class='tablenav' aria-label='<?php esc_attr( $nav_label ); ?>'>
<div class='tablenav-pages'>
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $page_links ); ?>
<nav class="mc-admin-footer" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Filter Events', 'my-calendar' ); ?>">
<ul class="links">
<a <?php echo ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) && 'grouped' === $_GET['limit'] ) ? ' class="active-link"' : ''; ?> href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&limit=grouped#my-calendar-admin-table' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Grouped Events', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
<a <?php echo ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) && 'ungrouped' === $_GET['limit'] ) ? ' class="active-link"' : ''; ?> href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true&limit=ungrouped#my-calendar-admin-table' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Ungrouped Events', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
<a <?php echo ( isset( $_GET['limit'] ) && 'all' === $_GET['limit'] || ! isset( $_GET['limit'] ) ) ? ' class="active-link"' : ''; ?> href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-calendar-manage&groups=true#my-calendar-admin-table' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'All', 'my-calendar' ); ?></a>
} else {
<p class="mc-none"><?php esc_html_e( 'No events found.', 'my-calendar' ); ?></p>
echo '</div>';